18. Sulty Satin

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My core burned and my legs shake as the sweat clings to my body. "Ace of Spades?" Baekhyun held my feet down by the ankles as he pushed me to do another sit-up. I didn't realise training would involve this type of working out.

Baekhyun gave me this Saturday off as my first official mission was set to take place tonight. What I didn't expect was cold water being drizzled down my face at 10am sharp and a smug looking Baekhyun telling me it was time to get up and train.

I was on my last set of sit-ups while Baekhyun quizzed me. "Kim Taehyung. Age 30. Code name – J.Seph. Leader and owner of KARD, highly skilled mafioso who completed his military service earlier this year." My body was starting to struggle the more I moved my torso. "His specialty is knives. Best to avoid him all together and try and get information out the others."

"Very good, Chaeyeong." He tapped my knee with his free hand and smirked at my glare that I shot straight at him. "King of Clubs."

I groaned as I pushed myself to the limit. "Matthew Kim. Age 29. Code name – BM. The one and only right hand man to Kim Taehyung, however his not the second in the command that they like to portray the public. Brute of a man who looks like he could pop my head between those biceps of his."

A glare from Baek as he pushed me down for another sit up. I hate you.

"He's quite easy to work circles around, be best to approach him about finding anything out." My hands flew out from behind my head as I lay back against the cool grass, panting. "I can't do anymore!"

"A few more, Bambi." I  huff out a groan before placing my arm back behind my head and pushing on. "Black Joker of Hearts"

"Jeon Somin. Age 25. Just goes by Somin. The actually second in command to Taehyung. Absolute nut job who knows her way around a gun, prefers to leave her signature mark of two in the chest and one in the head. Best not to come in contact with her either."

"Good. Colourful Joker of Diamonds." He grab bother my ankles with his hands and tightened his grip, noticing that I was lifting my feet a bit more.

"Jeon Jiwoo. Age 25. Twin sister to Jeon Somin, younger by 15 minutes. If you think her older sister is crazy you have seen Jiwoo yet. She's got a brain that's hardwire like a bomb, while she also likes messing around with explosives. She might be easier to approach, just don't get on her bad side or she will literally shove a hand grenade down my throat."

Baekhyun's rough laughter filled the thick air around us and I once again sprawled out on the grass, huffing and puffing. "Well done, Bambi. You memorized all of the important information all while cursing at me in your head."

"If my body didn't feel like jello, you'd have a black eye right about now." He moved to sit beside me with a disgruntled sound as he leaned back on his hands.

"Always so feisty." I closed my eyes as the hot sun blazed against my eyelids, sweating started to trickle down my forehead. "Go get ready and we will go shopping." My eyes flung open at his weird statement. Not only was it strange for Baekhyun to say something so casual, but also so the way he said it.

"What for?" I managed to pull myself up and leaning against my elbows, looking up at Baekhyun as the sun hit his sepia hair, giving him a golden halo. Ethereal, he looked like a thousand year old vampire who was once a young king. What the actual fuck Chaeyeong? Have you lost your goddamn mind? Vampire? King?

"Well... you need a dress for tonight. KARD are the bloodsuckers of the underworld. They each have their own type, wearing something that attracts them to you and after a few drinks they'll sink their teeth into you. Metaphorically, obvious." He added when he'd seen my confused face.

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