38. Closure and Confessions

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Trigger Warnings

It has been years since I stepped foot this place, the brick walls had started to crumble, holes had start to erode their way in. Metal beams that held the infrastructure up has rusted over completely, ruminates of what once was a busy warehouse, left to the rodents and the earth.

A thick layer of dust and debris coated everything in the room, even the air had particles floating through it, making it extremely hard to breath, feelings as though my lungs with being slightly squeezed.

The moonlight poured in from the broken windows that stool tall on one wall, majority of them had been littered with dirt and grime that made it immensely hard to see out of them. The air was heavy, the memories lingered like residual energy, always playing over and over again.

This was the warehouse where Ten betrayed me and my mother was tortured. The blood had stained the concrete, the brown hues on the ground that had now been covered by dust and dirt. I swore I would never step foot in this place again, that this place was too much of hurtful memory for me, yet here I am standing right where I stood before, many years ago.

I slip my hands in my leather jacket, slowly moving around the room, every little movement that found me in a new position stuck a memory. Even when they were happy memories, they always left a sour taste behind due the to outcome of all of them.

I wonder, wonder if I had done things differently, how different would everything be? Would I still be with Ten? Would I still be the drug mule? The used and abused? Would my mother still have her voice and a least something to look forward to? Would I have found my way to Baekhyun? Would I cry for a saviour or be the one on the shit end of the stick?

There was a long list of what ifs, the past always found a way to haunt me, to influence every decision I've ever made, its long talons sinking deeper into my neck and moving my head for me.

There's no point in the what ifs anymore, they are what ifs for a reason. I chose this path, only I am the decider of what I do for myself. You dwell on the past too much, it's going to swallow you and never let you move to the future.

We are getting closer to the end, Dohwa's demise is upon us, and it will be time to start a new life. I can't go into it without some closure, an end to a chapter that was open for far to long. The past is the past, and that doesn't matter anymore, only now and what I choose to do with it.

"I didn't know you'd be here." The familiar voice breaks me out of my inner monologue, standing at the entrance, was the one and only, Ten. "This is the last place I would expect you to be."

"What are you doing here?" I question him. I didn't expect to see him so soon after the other day, when he didn't respond to my words, he just walked away.

"I come here from time to time, just to think." He says, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning against a rusty old table.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Think? Isn't this place traumatic for you at all?"

He scoffs out a chuckle, taking his hand and rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, kind of. It has some good memories hidden amongst this dust."

It was my turn to scoff. I took the time to look at his face and read exactly what he was thinking. "What are you thinking about?"

He looked back too quickly, almost giving himself whiplash at the fast movement. "What?"

"Come on, Ten." I give him a look, telling him that I know that something is wrong. "I've known you for years, I can read you like a book. Now, what is on your mind?"

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