On My Own

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I couldn't stand
So, I leaned on him
And for a while
He was the perfect crutch
Sturdy and dependable
But push came to shove
And now, while next to him
I can't breathe
It's as if
He's in control of my lungs
Denying my breath
We walk together
While I drag my oxygen tank
Down the street
It makes an odd noise
"Must you lug that thing around?" He asked.
"I guess not," I said.
I rip out the tubes from my nostrils
And storm away
Leaving the oxygen tank
On the concrete
I'm learning to stand
On my own

Relying on others is all well and good until you allow yourself to be stripped of your individuality and sense of self. Tread lightly my friends.

Thank you for reading.

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