Ramblings of a Skeptic

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I feel like all I really need is a cleanse of mind. Not in the literal sense of the phrase, though the idea of someone removing my brain and scrubbing it with soap and water doesn't sound too bad. If there were only a way for these sentiments to come out pass in a metaphorical form, I might face salvation, and be able to rest peacefully. Are such things really so out of reach, so unattainable? No matter how much I try, I cannot get at it. It irks me to my very core, I wish it wouldn't but I have no control over such aspects, and would never claim to. Claims of false knowledge plagues this earth. Sometimes I wonder what I could do to end these fallacies, but I cannot, will all I wish, an expected revelation. They say the sky's the limit, but they lie for it's not, and never was. Although I can understand the importance of the deceit and if it is consciously done and with noble intent, then I find no faults. I sense that is true for love as well, deliberately placing white lies to either save face or protect feelings is essential. I too am guilty of these things. But who am I to comment, I'm no one of consequence, just a humble observer.

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