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The teachers were having some important meeting.

Trust me,at Ravenwood,teachers had meetings the way people peed.

I sighed as I walked to the Junior Block.

I didn't want to talk to any of my classmates for help. I could do it all by myself.

I put my phone in my pocket as I got in the JSS1A class.

"Hey!," I called their attention. "Settle down!"

They were so tiny. All of them rushed to their various seats and sat down.

"Do something with your time! Teachers are having a meeting!"

Some brought out books,some began to knit,some began to draw and some began to write.

"The class captain should write the names of the people who are making a noise. I'll be back for the list. If your name is on that list,then thank your stars" I shot them a glare before walking to JSS1B.

I told them to settle down, and I did the same thing until I got to JSS3C.

I felt exhausted.

I grabbed my phone and called Amarachi.

She didn't pick up until the second time.
"Hey" I groaned as I sat on a chair in JSS3C.

"Hey" her voice was low and hushed.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm somewhere," she sighed. "What do you want?"

"Where are you, Amarachi?" I inquired.

"Why must you know?," She hissed. "I'm with Michael by the ways. Happy? Now what do you want?" She hissed.

"I kinda need your help," I whispered. "Wait,what are you doing?"

"We're just talking in the library and also-"

"Never mind," I grimaced. "Please come to the Junior Block"

"But you told me that you can handle it na"

"But I can't"

"You've already told the other prefects not to worry," she sighed. "And I can't start begging Joan, Logan and the rest to come to your aid after you specifically told them yesterday not to worry"

"Amarachi,I don't care what you wanna do,just make sure the prefects are in every class. I'm in JSS3C by the ways,and I need a partner," I paused to glare at the students who were walking about in the class. "Sit your tiny butts down!," I yelled at them and continued talking with Amara. "Hurry up, please"

I hung up and stood up, walking to and fro on the corridor like a police.

I suddenly heard banging on tables from the other classes. I sighed as that indicated prefects were in classes trying to get the attention of students.

I saw Ovie stroll towards me.
"Hey Ovie, thank-" I began but he just strolled into the class without sparing me a glance.

Within minutes,he came out of the class and went into the other one.
"Yay! Senior Ovie Amadi!!" They cheered for him in JSS3B.

I felt a sting in my chest.

They didn't cheer for me when I got in-

Soon,he was out and went into another class.

I kept on going to and fro on the corridors until he finally came out of the last class.

He turned to face me.
"You can keep wasting your time,but these students aren't gonna make noise anytime soon," he shrugged. "At least, until the teachers are done with their meeting" he said and went down the stairs.

"But,wait-" I said and he looked back.

"Amarachi said you wanted us to control the students and I've done that," he said and put his hands in his pockets. "Would you like a salute from me? Or a special buffet,your highness?" He mocked.

I felt like hitting his chest so hard.
"I'm starting to suspect that just because you were born earlier than nine months, it's messed with your head," I said to him.

He looked shocked,but then played it cool.

The fact that he was smiling frightened me to the core.

"Don't you ever in your life," he walked closer to me. "Talk about my personal issues. Let it not be heard from you again. Understood?" He said calmly before strolling away.

I gulped as I noticed some students peep from their windows.
"What are you looking at? You don't need your eyeballs anymore right? I can pluck them out?!" I yelled as I walked into their classes to frighten them.

"I have work to attend to in Abuja and I'll be gone for a week" My dad said as he drank his tea

"I'll be lonely," I pouted. "Can I go to Amarachi's house?"

"And inconvenience her family? No," my dad replied. "You'll stay here. Aunty Bisi will check on you from time to time. There are maids at home too"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"Please behave yourself. Don't stay out too late,and call me if there's any issue"

"Yeah," I sighed as I picked up my bag from the chair. "Bye"

"There's respect, there's orderliness,and of course there's provision for the damn citizens!" Ovie stood up

"And pave way for violence? The military rule is nothing to support! I totally disagree with you!" I replied.

"Who cares if you disagree with me or not? I'm just saying that democracy has allowed a lot of nonsense like embezzlement! And other shenanigans!" Ovie said back.

"What are you saying?," I chuckled. "Embezzlement occured more during the military rule!"

The teacher clapped,and we stopped talking. I was breathing heavily,and Ovie was staring at the teacher as he spoke.

"You have both done well with the motions presented before you," Our Civic teacher said. "If you haven't done your debate, prepare for it in the next class. I'll choose a different topic that you can argue on," he concluded as the bell rang. "Have a nice day,class" he said and walked out.

I sighed, feeling satisfied as I brought out my sketchpad. I lost my pencil earlier so Amarachi lent me hers.

I started to sketch the Seniors Block as someone tapped my shoulder.
"I need my pencil, please" Ovie said

"This isn't your pencil,now leave"

"I'm sure that's my pencil. I can prove it" he chuckled.

"And so? All I know is that this isn't your pencil. So please,get lost"

"Jasmine,I'm not in the mood for this rubbish. Hand me my pencil,I have work to do" he rolled his eyes.

"You're foolish,Ovie," I shook my head. "This is not your pencil. Let it sink"

"Didn't Amarachi give you that pencil?" He asked

"Yeah,she did. So? You could have been watching her when she was handing it to me" I shrugged.

"So Amarachi's initials are O.J.A?," He asked and I scanned the pencil for initials. "Ovie Jayden Amadi" he said and when my eyes landed on it,I gulped.

He snatched the pencil from my grasp and hissed.
"I really don't know what your issue is," he rolled his eyes and chuckled

Thank you for reading. Please let me know what you think in the comments ❤️🤞🏽

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