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"Please call after your lectures today!" I chuckled and she nodded.

She blew me a kiss one more time before hanging up.

I couldn't lie,I missed my sister,but she had to pursue her dreams,or whatever they say. I placed my laptop next to me before laying down.

I checked one more time,but it was still the same way it was last week.

I couldn't force Jasmine to do what she didn't see right from her end,but I couldn't take it anymore.

I preferred not to have her number than for me to have her number and be blocked.

To be honest,I do not understand that girl. She has a very nasty attitude,but I can't bring myself to dislike her no matter how hard I try

Instead, I'm intrigued by her attitude.

It's funny how she thinks I'm perfect. Really, it's funny.

She doesn't know what it's like to only see my dad about once every three weeks. Sometimes,once in two months.

Yes, he's that busy.

She doesn't know what it's like to have a mother who you only get to see on holidays.

She doesn't know what it's like when your mother is based in a country where you don't even understand their language.

Seriously, I've tried to learn Korean,but it's a bit complicated. I wonder how mom speaks it.

My mother is part of the Navy,and I barely get to see her.

So, it's pretty much like my family is falling apart; everyone occupied with one thing or the other and I'm stuck right in the middle of it.

My family was never like this back in England. At least, before we relocated to Nigeria,I could still remember some things we did as a family.

So,I would love to know what Jasmine's definition of perfect is.

It's fun to get under her skin. It's also fun that she's aware that I don't buy that act she puts on.

I know Jasmine isn't really a cruel person deep down. I know that's her cover up. I can just feel it in my gut.

*** ***
"Like,why would she talk to Michael that way?," Logan asked with a frown. "That girl is just rude"

"She's got no manners," Michael shook his head. "Her parents or her siblings or whoever she's home with are really coping"

I blocked their voices out, trying to concentrate on my food.

"Amarachi, please don't bring her to this table again," Logan scrunched up his face. "She's just full of bad vibes"

"For some reason,she thinks she's better" Joan chuckled.

Could these guys just keep quiet???

"Can you guys cut it out!!?," I rolled my eyes. "My ears are burning"

Logan chuckled.
"Don't you gossip too?"

"I do,but y'all are overdoing it," I sighed. "You don't know what she's going through"

Joan laughed.
"Jasmine is living the best life a girl possibly could ," she laughed again. "So stop saying it like her life is tough"

"You just don't get it,do you?," I chuckle at them. "Who you believe she is is who she's making you believe she is. Stop jumping into conclusions like that"

"No cap, she's a witch" Logan rolled his eyes.

"Why are you defending her?" Michael furrowed his brows as he stared at me.

I shook my head.
"I'm just telling you guys the truth. Stop saying I'm defending her"

"That's exactly what you're doing" Amarachi smiled.

"Whatever," I shrugged.

"How can you see good in that kind of person?" Logan asked.

"What kind of person?," I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's really not cool to talk about her that way"

"Didn't you-"

I cut Joan off by standing up.
"When you're all back to your normal senses,tell me" I sighed and walked away from the table.

I decided to go to the library till the next period started.

I sat at the back as I decided to start my Civic assignment so I'll have little work to do at home.

I grabbed a textbook from the shelf and went through it's index.

I began to jot down information from the textbook.


For real?

Jasmine was staring at me,and I blinked to confirm it was her

"Hey" I replied with a small smile.

"Um," she said. "The VP students' affairs told me she needs representatives from the Arts Class for a poetry competition"

I nodded. "Go on"

"And I think we need you on the team" she hesitated a bit.

"Oh," I nodded. "Are you sure?"

"Well yeah, you're smart and all"

"Thank you,but you haven't really given me information on this competition"

"I have the pamphlet,but it's in the class" she sighed

"It's fine," I smiled. "You can show me later"

She nodded.
"Why aren't you eating with your friends?" She asked.

"And when did you start caring?" I raised a brow.

"I'm just asking" she shrugged.

"Well, nothing you should worry about," I shrugged. "I just have a lot of work to do"

She nodded.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I was looking everywhere for you to inform you," she said. "Then I remembered you're a nerd and nerds stay in the library"

"Nerd?," I scoffed. "A nerd that loves sports"

"What can I say? You're a special nerd" she said and I chuckled.

"I hope you're aware that you're also a nerd"

"Oh," she smirked. "Please tell me all about it"

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.
"You seem happy today," I said. "Who did you insult?"

"If that's the question,then I really can't count all of them," she said. "But I guess I'm just happy" she shrugged

"No particular reason?"

"I think maybe it's because I successfully completed a drawing of you!" She chuckled and brought out a folded white paper out of her pocket.

She stretched it to me and I received it.
"C'mon,open it" she wiggled her brows.

I opened the paper,and there was a huge drawing of my face on it.

Well, hello handsome.

"This is... beautiful," I smiled. "You know my mother draws too?"

"Wow," she chuckled. "Do you like it?"

"Of course I do!" I smiled.

"I'll draw a full one next time," she said. "But for now,I can only perfect a portrait"

"It's fine," I said as I neatly folded the paper before putting it in my bag. "Thank you Jasmine"

"Stop thanking me" she rolled her eyes,and I chuckled.

Thank you for reading ♥️♥️

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