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It was a free period,and I was doing what I knew how to do best; I was drawing.

Amarachi was with her other friends,Ovie was somewhere in the school and I was the almost empty class, drawing my emotions away.

The portrait I drew of Ovie wasn't my idea at all.

It was Aunty Bisi's idea.
Well,I was in the living room one night,and she came visiting. I wasn't in a good mood because well,once again,Ovie had said the truth to me,and I didn't like it.

At school,he told me that I needed a change of attitude and some other stuff. But I couldn't blame him,I literally provoked him before he said those things to me in anger.

She asked what happened,and I literally told her what I did. I didn't like explaining my feelings to people,but Aunty Bisi had a soft spot in my heart. She was just.... special.

And then,she told me to draw a portrait of him as an apology. She also told me to state clearly the reason I was giving him the portrait.

But,I didn't do that.

I couldn't swallow my pride to tell him sorry.

Nope, that's not what Jasmine does

I stared at my drawing,and I literally choked on my own saliva.

I tore out the pages immediately and stormed to the trashcan before tossing it into it.

She didn't deserve a page on my sketchpad.


Mother doesn't even deserve a spot in my heart, neither does she deserve to occupy any space in my head.

I sighed as I put my head on my table. I needed to calm down.

She wasn't worth my anger. Nope,she wasn't.

I angrily got up and went out of the class. I sat at the staircase and buried my head in my hands.

I'm a mess.

I needed to calm myself down,but I couldn't go back to the class to grab my sketchpad because my eyes were already red.

I got up and went to the empty class. I was safe there. As I got in,I closed the door and sat on a chair.

None of this was my fault. I could be a happy teen with a healthy and loyal social circle,but no.. I'm here, venting out my anger in an empty classroom.

Wait...this is the same classroom where I read an apology off my palm for Ovie. I slightly chuckled at that thought.

My phone rang in my pocket,and I brought it out to see my father calling me.

"Hey father"

He cleared his throat.
"Hey Jas," he said. "Something came up"

"Oh," I nodded. "What's wrong?"

"Well,I'm going to be in Abuja for a while," he sighed. "Probably for a month"

"A whole month?!"

"Probably," he sighed. "I have to work for us, Jasmine"

"Yh sure," I sighed. "That's what you always say"

"Because I have to provide for us," he said. "I have no support whatsoever,so please, don't try to make me feel bad"

"I'm not-," I said. "Do you know what it's like for me to be alone most of the time?"

"Yes,Jasmine," he said. "I know exactly how that feels. You're not the one to tell me how loneliness feels like"

I sighed and he cleared his throat.

"I have a meeting now," he said. "I'll talk to you later. Call if there's any issue"

And he hung up.

I silently cursed as I stared at my phone.

My family... If I had one,was a very complicated one.

My father?


My mother?

Who knows.

I actually feel bad for my father sometimes because mom left him without a word.

He doesn't know why his wife left,but I know.

I know every single reason why,

I don't even want to think about her right now, because I can hardly remember any good memory I had with her.

I sighed as I began to pace around the class.

I needed to draw.


The door opened,and I turned to look at the door.
Ovie was walking into the class with a textbook in his hand.

"Hey" he smiled.

"Hi" I said and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"That's really none of your business," I replied.

"Right," he said. "Sorry.. But I also wanna say thank you for the portrait. Sooo,thank you"

"You're welcome" I muttered, holding the door handle.

"Is everything okay with you?" He asked, squinting his eyes.

"Yes,Ovie. Everything's fine. Do I look sick? Or what?" I asked him.

"Obviously, you're not in a good mood," he sighed. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Definitely not"

"Oh,okay then" he nodded as I opened the door and walked out of the classroom.

When I got home,I was finally able to draw a little .

I felt a little bit settled.

My mind wandered back to my mother. I know she's my mother no matter what,but what she did is nothing like what a mother should do. It breaks my heart to see my dad go through everyday without someone to hold and someone to talk to.

I know I may be hostile,but damn... It's really not easy to be alone.

Especially for a father.

I'm sure he asks himself everyday why the heck she left.

Why the actual heck she abandoned us.

The painful part is that I know the reason,but I'm not in the position to say a word about it.

It's her cross,so she should carry it.

Thanks for reading. Means a lottt♥️♥️❣️

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