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"When last did you use the playstation?" Emmanuel asked, flinging his bag on the sofa.

"Eh,I can't remember," I shrugged. "I'm mostly the only one home"

"Having this whole house to yourself? That's dope!" He exclaimed and grabbed an apple juice box from the fridge.

I ruffled his hair and chuckled.
"Hey now,there are maids at home," I said. "And your mom comes by too"

He nodded and set up the PlayStation.

"I'll be in my room if you need anything," I said, already making my way to the staircase. "Help yourself to whatever you wanna eat"

"Sure thing," he said, already carried away with what he was about to play.

Emmanuel's mom; Aunty Bisi came for him later at night,and I was once again alone.

I decided to take a walk to the park because if I don't do that, I'll probably faint or something.

I left the house,and the street lights paved way for me. I began to walk and just let the breeze hit me.

If I was gonna get through my final year in secondary school,then I needed courage.

A lot of it

And I definitely wasn't gonna let my secret get out because I've worked this hard to conceal the demon within me.

I began to walk faster until I found myself running.

I was breathing heavily,but I still continued to run.

Why did it have to be me?-

I finally got to the empty park, and I sat on a bench.
I buried my head in my palms as images flashed in my head. What? No!!!

I groaned as I got up, and my face immediately collided with a hard chest.

"Ouch" I held my forehead,ready to insult whoever it was,but I froze when I saw Ovie's eyes staring at me.

"I was literally giving you a countdown in my head for you to insult me" he chuckled

I just sighed and sat down on the bench.

"Are you good?" He asked

"Yes,what are you doing here?"

"Sometimes,the questions you ask don't make any sense," he chuckled. "I live in Orchid Estate"

I gasped.
"That's my neighbouring estate," I said. "This is Hibiscus Estate"

"I know," he nodded. "I prefer the park here to the one in my estate" he shrugged.

I nodded slowly as I let my eyes wander all over him.

The black hoodie looked good on him,and his complexion just made the hoodie look better.

Ovie's skin was something a melanin like me was jealous of.

Just imagine that!

His skin was flawless,and ughh-

"You really space out a lot," he rolled his eyes,and I just ignored him.

In case you're confused about the estate stuff,the owner; Professor Segun Rasaq owned two estates,and they were just next to each other.

Ovie and I each lived in those estates. But some of our classmates were also in the estates.

"So," he said and sat on the bench. "Can I get to know you?"

"Nope" I shook my head.


"Because I don't want you to know me. Isn't that clear already" I shrugged.

"Okay then,maybe I didn't put the sentence well," he chuckled. "Can we be friends?"

"What type of friends?" I narrowed my eyes,and he laughed.

"Normal friends," he shrugged. "we could help each other grow in subjects. You love civic,I hate it. I love history,you hate it"

I chuckled.

"And I can also help you make friends because damn,you are one lonely person"

"That's the point,Ovie," I hit his shoulder. "I don't need friends"

"This is your last year in secondary school. Why do you want it to be so boring?"

I shrugged and sat down.
"I don't know"

He turned to face me.
"That was actually very rude of you to block me in the middle of a conversation"

I chuckled.
"When I see improvements in your behaviour, I'll unblock you"

"I should be saying that to you!" He exclaimed,and I chuckled.

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked him.

"If I was the one who asked that question, you'll be insulting me by now," he shook his head and chuckled. "Yes,I have an elder sister"

"Oh" I slowly nodded.

"But she's studying Accounting and Finance at Harvard," he shrugged.

"That's a great college" I grinned.

"The best"

"I'm definitely not going to a Nigerian university" I said,. Yes,I knew I shouldn't be telling him something like this,but it was like I was under a spell. Things like these were personal to me,but there was this tiny voice assuring me Ovie could be trusted. Even though the voice was a very very tiny one.

"Why not?"

"I have so many -"


"Why'd you abruptly stop?" He asked.

"Nothing," I sighed. "I figured I was saying too much"

"Oh," he said and nodded. "Sorry for pushing it,but I wasn't the one who brought up the Nigerian university stuff. You started talking about it,and then you just decided to stop. Do you think it's fun or something?"

I rolled my eyes at him.
"Look Ovie,when I realize you shouldn't be told something,then I'll keep it to myself"

"Let's just drop it" he replied.

I huffed and looked ahead of me.

He looked at the time on his wristwatch.

"Rex must be hungry" he muttered.

"Who's -" I started,but he cut in.

"My Labrador Retriever"

"Oh," I nodded. "Alright then"

"Yeah," he nodded. "See you on Monday"

I watched him walk away,but a part of me wasn't happy.

I don't know,but I felt like Ovie had genuine intentions. I just couldn't trust him because that's how people are.

They appear so harmless,but deep down,all they wanna do is harm you.

I got up,changed the playlist I was listening to and began to walk back home.

Thanks for reading,guys💫

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