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Giyuu's POV
I didn't get any sleep. To be honest, I didn't expect myself to. I had to keep telling Makomo to go to sleep, and that she doesn't need to keep me company. The only thing I can think of is will he be okay? Please- don't let Sabito die. Now, it's morning, and I can't muster the courage to ask how he's doing. I want to, but there's always the chance I won't get an answer I like. So I'll keep sitting here, on my makeshift bed, waiting for... something. I don't know what I'm waiting for. Am I waiting for Urokodaki-san to tell me Sabito will survive? Am I waiting for him to tell me it's ok, and to give me a hug? What the hell am I waiting for.

Finally, after hours of laying here, staring at the ceiling, I got to my feet and left. I didn't give Urokodaki or Sabito so much as a passing glance as I opened the sliding door and walked outside. I couldn't bring myself to. I have to trust Urokodaki.

"Where are you going?" Makomo asked quietly.

I shrugged.

"Can I come?"

I shook my head. I just wanted to be alone. She nodded and began walking in the opposite direction. At some point last night, Makomo had told me that Urokodaki said Sabito had two broken ribs, but all his cuts were shallow enough so that they would heal quickly. I took a wooden sword from it's place leaning up against the wall. I knew from a past lesson about basic first-aid that broken ribs healed within six weeks. Six. Weeks. That's over a month! At least he would probably wake up before then. But he would have to take it easy, just rehab training until his ribs were healed.

I walked into the bamboo angrily. Once I reached the small training clearing, I swung the sword as hard as I could, leaving scratches all over the tall green stalks.

"ALL! MY! FAULT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "If I wasn't so weak, I could have protected myself!" I took another swing at the bamboo. "I was holding a GODDAMN AXE! I could have turned over and chopped the demon's head off!"

I stood in front of the beaten stalks, my shoulders shaking in fury. I was angry at myself, and I was angry at Sabito. "Why did you save me, and get yourself hurt in the process?!" I cried. Dry sobs coursed through me. I'd already spent all my tears. I slammed the hilt of the wooden sword into my thigh. "Stop crying! Don't give ANYONE the chance to attack you!" I repeated what I'd been told so many times. Don't give your enemy the chance to kill you. Emotions got in the way of fighting, and connections to those you fight with can get you killed, or worse, get them killed.

I took a deep breath. "Might as well train, I've nothing better to do."

And so, I trained. I trained harder than I usually did, all day in fact. The next day, Makomo and I trained together. She had a lot of helpful tips. Whoever said girls can't fight as good as boys can, I'd bring them to meet Makomo. She could beat me just as often as I beat her.

Sabito's POV
I woke up in darkness and silence. Ow, what happened? My ribs felt like they'd been snapped in half. When did I get hurt? I wracked my brain for answers. Oh yeah, that demon. Wait... AM I DEAD!? What about Giyuu??? Is he okay? Suddenly, light flooded my vision, and I blinked rapidly as my eyes adjusted.

I was laying in my bed inside Urokodaki-san's house. Did he get there in time? Probably, if I'm still alive. I didn't see anyone in the small cabin with me. Not Giyuu, Makomo, nobody. Where is everyone?

"H-hello?" My voice cracked. Shit- how long was I out???

"Sabito?" Makomo peered out of her room. She gasped in delight when she saw me awake. "Stay right there! I'm going to go get Urokodaki-san!"

Where did she think I was going to go?

A few minutes later, Makomo returned with our teacher, who sat by my side and asked me how I felt.

"I-I feel fine, it's just my ribs that hurt."

"Mhm. You broke two of your ribs," he used his fingers to point out two of my left ribs.

"How- how long was I out?"

"You've been asleep for two and a half days," Makomo offered quietly.

"A-and Giyuu?"

"He's... I'll go get him." She looked slightly nervous. Why?

This time, it took a lot longer for her to get back. Enough time, in fact, for Urokodaki to make me eat some food, drink some water, and help me outside to use the restroom. What was keeping her? Eventually, maybe thirty minutes later, she walked back into the house, followed closely by Giyuu. Thank god he was alright.

He didn't look physically harmed, but when I looked at his face, I winced. He had that look on. His 'no emotions here' face.

"What did you want me for, Urokodaki-sa-" Giyuu's gaze drifted from our trainer to me. When he saw that I was awake, he dropped his wooden sword on the floor and practically dove on top of me, enveloping me in a tight hug around my chest.

"Ow, ow, ow, owww, Yuu, ease up a bit, ok?"

He relaxed his arms but kept them wrapped around me. I sat myself up carefully, and I returned his hug. My arms folded over his, and my chin rested on his head. I even heard him sniffle a few times. If this is how he reacts to me waking up after a few days, how would he react if I came back from the dead? I looked down at the boy clinging to me. Let's hope he never has to go through that. I don't want him to lose anyone else.

"Never do that again, okay?" He whispered softly.

"No promises," my tease shrank back at the pleading glare he gave me. "Alright alright, I'll do my best."

It feels so good to be this close to Giyuu. If Makomo and Urokodaki weren't here, I'd go for it and kiss him. I let out a happy sigh and pulled Yuu closer to me, which he seemed to be ok with.

"Hey, Sabito?" Giyuu started.

I hummed.

"I don't like living in a world without you in it."


Aaaaaaaaa cheesy ending- BLEH

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