Dear Simpathy...

631 9 3

(3rd Person POV)

⚠️Warning! Most or all chapters include the following: Profanity, mentions of violence, inappropriate/mature humor, and some chapters even mentioning blood!⚠️

Gracie winced once again as another chop met Ludwig's chest. She could hardly watch the TV backstage as Gunther punished his partner.

💭God, make it stop! He tried his best, he really did!💭 Gracie said in her thoughts. However, those thoughts, just like all of them, were not heard.

She jumped as another chop was delivered to Ludwig. He took it like a champ, but even she could see the pain in his expression.

Now she felt bad for all of the times she had made fun of him.

Every time she'd made fun of his haircut, or the way he talked, or the way he acted even, she realized it was because Gunther made her think Ludwig was something he was not. And now she hated Gunther to the core.

After the third and final chop, Gunther stopped. Gracie had never stood up from her chair faster. She didn't care how shy she could be, she wanted to give that Austrian asshole a piece of her mind.

(No offense to any Austrians reading this, btw)

Sure enough, she instantly found him backstage. His expression was as smug as it usually was. Ludwig was hobbling behind him, still clutching his chest. Clearly ashamed of the way he was humiliated in front of everyone. This could only make Gracie more upset.

"HEY, YOU!!" Gracie shouted at Gunther as she marched up to him. Gunther turned his head to look at her. Immediately knowing who she was.

Gracie got no response from him. His eyes only narrowed at the sight of her. She honestly couldn't tell if he was sneering at her. She imagined it wouldn't look too different than his 'regular' face. But that was a bit beside the point at the moment.

Gracie stopped in front of the big man with a huff. Her hands came up to rest on her hips. She saw Ludwig looking at her like she was crazy, but she cared more about his well-being than her own.

"Listen here, asshole!" She began, clearly still infuriated. "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you had no right to do that! You were not told to do that, nor was it scripted!" She unloaded with a small stamp of her foot.

Gunther paid little to no attention to her, and instead pushed right past her. Headed to his locker room. But Gracie wasn't having it. She grabbed the back of the collar on his jacket and pulled him back to her discussion.

"I wasn't done with you," Gracie said sternly but clearly as l she released her hold on him. He stumbled back to balance on his feet before looking back at the woman well ready to knock him out.

Gunther stood up straight, looked her in her eyes, and finally spoke. "You think that just because you joined the men's division that you can get in my way?"

Gracie managed to make out his words through his accent. "Yes. I do, actually." She responded in a heartbeat. "Because that is, how do I put this... literally my job! Are you mental or something?!"

Ludwig was shocked at the confidence she showed while talking to Gunther. Someone actually dared to stand up to him for a change.

Just as Gunther pushed Gracie back to walk away from her once again, the chairman himself showed up. Just in time too. Gracie cocked her fist, ready to swing, but Vince stopped her with just a few words.

"Now, now, miss Lockbell. There will be no need for that." Vince said calmly. Gracie let her hands fall back to her side as she let out a deep breath to calm herself down.

"I will take care of Mr. Ring General, here." He continued. "You should worry more about your friend Ludwig over there." Gracie looked at Ludwig, and instantly her expression softened. "...Okay." She replied slowly.

Vince nodded in thanks. "Come with me, Gunther." The chairman spoke, as he walked back towards his office. Gunther reluctantly followed.

Gracie made sure no one else was in sight before walking over to Ludwig. "Are you okay?" She asked. Her tone was much softer than before.

"I'm fine..." Ludwig replied. "I deserved what happened, I know I'm better than how I did-" Gracie cut him off. "No! No, absolutely not! You did your best out there! Shinsuke is a hard person to beat. You shouldn't blame yourself."

She reassured, placing her hand over the one covering the bruise he inevitably had on his sternum. He was surprised, possibly slightly offended, at her sudden gentleness.

"You... You really think so...?" The blue-eyed man asked her. "Of course." She replied, moving her hand back to her side. "Now let's go get you some ice or something while Vince deals with Gunther, okay?" Ludwig simply gave Gracie a blank stare as he nodded.


Well! That was the end of chapter one! I apologize if it was short to you. But please keep in mind that I only wanted to start things off with this part.

However, to clear some extra stuff up for you all, Gracie is in fact in the men's division. The first woman who ever dared to do such a thing. She felt that the women's division wasn't a big enough challenge for her. And she saw a lot of repetition within it as well. She didn't want that.

Gracie is one of my OCs but feel free to replace her name with Y/n whenever you please if you'd like to put yourself into the story.

⚠️Keep in mind that this is a Ludwig x Female reader story. And that I can create a female x female or male x male story if requested.⚠️

Thank you for reading! See ya in the next update! 😋

(Word count: 962)

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