63 8 13

so much better

Graham took a seat next to me and I took the chance to finally watch him. Noticing his features, not like I haven't done so before. Yeah it was nice seeing it still, but this wasn't him.

"I'm sorry I got you in trouble with him, I probably should have chilled... well I should have just went back home..."

The honey blonde male looked at me and shook his head, "Don't be silly, I told you to stay."

"Not like you got that much rest though."

I shrugged, "Still, that could have been avoided."

A fee moments of silence went by and I finally mustered up the courage to talk again.

"So, do you live here alone? Or..."

Graham nodded, "I live alone, I wanted to keep my place because of that in particular."

I sighed and fell back, "All my fault, I should just go home."

"Oh stop it, I enjoy your presence," the male smiled and rolled his eyes. Though he soon shifted and looked at me.

"I'm not holding you here against your will, I can take you home if you need."

I looked at him and shook my head, "No need, I don't live too far... I'm sure," I scratched my head and made my way out the room. Trudging down the stairs, I heard Graham moving after me.

"You don't live around here do you?" He softly chuckled.

I sighed, "You make me sound bad, gosh... no I don't. My roommate is just... something."

I hadn't meant to situation dump, though I'm glad I stopped at that. Not needing him to feel sorry for me with all his own stuff going on.

"Just let me take you back at least, no need to get embarrassed for the walk of shame," Graham smiled, "Besides, I think you rocked it anyway."

"Now I want to be far away from you and your teasing, I'm going to leave now."

The little male squeaked and I nearly chuckled, heading out the door.

"Stop, stop I was kidding," he grabbed my shoulder with a playful pout.


He managed to persuade me to let him take me back to my apartment, though I don't know how. Probably his kind eyes and sweet voice. Damn.

When we pulled up to the apartment complex Graham handed me his phone, I looked at him as my old style dell brain buffered.

Then it clicked.

"I uhm, we only have a land line..." I scratched my head.


I shrugged and typed in the number for our line. Moving to look at him before I stepped out.

"Well, if you ever wanna talk about whatever... I'll listen. Not good at talking but I can sure as hell listen."

Graham smiled, "Me too though."

"Well what the hell are we gonna do, sit on the line in silence?" I scoffed, stepping out.

"I won't mind if you don't."

I blew out a breath and shook my head, "Get back home, cooky head," I waved him off.

"Says the one who spent the night in the guest bathtub," Graham giggled.

"That's it - don't call me!" I softly smiled and back away. I closed the door and we both exchanged a soft wave. Graham having been the first person in my life who didn't make me feel like a burden.

Sure, I still felt like one but it wasn't him. It was more so a natural reaction.

I trudged off into the main lobby and up to my apartment, finding our hidden spare and walked in. The house was trashed, I debated on just walking back out and sleeping in an alley that night.

Finding myself walking into my room, the lock obviously having been tampered with. At this point, what the fuck ever.

Gathering some clothes and what else I could scrounge up of what hadn't been picked through. Least my art stuff wasn't fucked with. Though I went to the hidden slab under my bed, a misplaced area I kept shit not even Quinn knew of.

I stooped down and pulled it up, grabbing out the small tin box and just grabbed my raccoon stash. Filling my old wallet and my spare credit card, one I vowed only to use for emergency.

Okay okay, I had a hundred taking out for booze - fucking sue me... but now I was gonna rent a hotel room for a few nights. Clear my head for a few nights so I can find another job and get the fuck outta dodge.

I gathered my stuff and headed back out the house, locking up and taking the spare with me.

Only to come face to face with Graham who was standing in the lobby. In attempt to talk to one of the desk women, he paused and looked at me. Noticing the bag in my hand.


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