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silent company

I'm sure the universe was expecting something monumental after we saw each other across the way in that lobby. Sure it sounds like a movie clichè, one that ends with the two love interests running to one another - they embrace and roll the credits.

But that was a fairy tale as far as I'm concerned. A distant planet far away in the galaxy of life.

One thing I managed to realize subconsciously the last day in that bright house of his : that I am a fucking mess.

Needing to spare Graham from the darkness I emanate around me... he's so bright and I'm just so... dull.

He fakes his smiles at times like I do... but he doesn't let it consume him in the presence of others.


I was in my head the whole time we managed to get back in his car. I didn't even remember what he said... just knew that I got back in that vehicle like it was a basic human instinct like breathing.

So in order to prove myself wrong - I put him before me.

I shifted in that very seat and gave him my full attention.

Sure I almost scared the soul out of him when he realized I was indeed staring, but it was a great first step of... well - not being Harley.


[a/n: im probably gonna impulsively delete this chapter because well I was in my head - but that's what this book is - based on one night I was drunk and in my head ☠️...

So regularly scheduled light hearted awkward Harley should be back... even if I gotta take a few days away to not ruin a character I love dearly...

anyways smfh - If you read this far - I'm sorry...]

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