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Reaching the girls I keep dancing. Getting lost in the rhythm and the joy of being with new friends when the music suddenly stops. A collective noise of disapproval sounds out from the group when the familiar click-clack of heels silences everyone as it echoes across the villa.

We all turn to see a gorgeous tall woman with lush flowing hair walk out. "Hey guys! I'm Priya."

A new islander arrived and I immediately turn my head to look for Noah. She is absolutely the hottest girl in here and nature dictates hot be with hot. Fact. My best friend would argue with me but I've seen it everywhere.

I spot him next to Hope, who is clinging on to him for dear life and whose face definitely screams stay away. Noah on the other hand has a friendly smile plastered on his face that is directed at Priya. My shoulders fall a little with disappointment, I didn't want to look too long.

I turn my head away quickly. Great. Focusing my attention back to Priya, I find Rocco already close to her laying down the thick charm. Trailing one of his fingers down her arm. Unsurprisingly I don't actually care that he's fawning over the new girl, heck if I was into girls I would be fawning too.

After a round of introductions I excuse myself to turn in for the night. The boys are too pre-occupied with Priya anyways. Coming into the villa, meeting Noah and everyone else of course, has me completely drained. Besides I don't think I can handle seeing Noah flirt with anyone else at the moment.

Reaching the bathroom I quickly tie my hair up into a messy bun. I change into some loose grey yoga pants and my favourite T-shirt that I've attacked with scissors. Turning it into a comfy sleeveless crop top that has part of a very obscure seventies Swedish rock band logo on it.

My best friend happily pointed out that I'm a poser because I've never heard of the band before. So what if I haven't? I liked their logo. A phoenix swirled around the band name which I am yet to decipher. Either way it is the best shirt to sleep in.

I clean my face and brush my teeth. While I'm scrubbing away my mind drifts to him again and I groan, frustrated that one guy can get me so twisted up and one I barely know. I know its been a while since I've actually been with a guy but this is ridiculous. Spit. Scrub some more. I'm angry brushing now. Angry at myself for letting this happen again.

Last time I fell for a guy it nearly broke me. He made me feel so weak and insignificant. Can't believe I actually moved in with him and agreed to marry him knowing he was cheating on me, breaking me down slowly, changing me into someone I was not but I was just so happy that someone actually wanted to be with me. Spit. I sigh thinking about everything that followed. Rinse. Spit.

Staring at myself I feel pride swell in my chest. It's been hard trying to get back to myself but I couldn't be happier. At least now I know what I want and how I want to be treated. You want him. Another loud groan comes from within me. Seriously? 

I throw my toiletries back into my cupboard with frustration and head towards the bedroom. Still deep in thought and trying to get a stray thread on the sleeve of my crop that caught my eye, I suddenly bump into a wall I'm sure wasn't there before. Oof! The sudden impact had me take two steps back when I trip over one of the girls' make-up bag.

My eyes closed, I was preparing to feel the full force of the floor on my ass but instead a warm solid arm was around my waist, holding me securely. I strangely felt like I was home and that nothing could happen to me. I opened my eyes to see who my saviour was. Noah.

Our eyes met and the air changed. He lifted me back up so my body was pressed against his. Everywhere where our skin made contact I felt electricity. We were just staring at each other. Our breaths becoming heavy. Looking into his dark eyes I could see small specks of gold. I felt warm all over and all the electricity shooting straight to my core, igniting a fire within. A fire that felt like it couldn't be put out.

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