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Thinking nothing of it I wait for Gary. He returns plonking himself next to me on the daybed. "There we go all sorted darlin'" He hands me my water. "Is Hannah ok?" "Yea she's fine. Between you and me I have a feeling she's had her eye on Bobby anyways." My eyebrows lift in surprise. "Bobby?" "Yea, I can kind of see it, they're both so sweet and Bobby is a good sort." A beat passes. "Well enough of everyone else, I want to know all about you." Rolling onto his side with his head resting on the palm of his hand. He looks at me, genuine curiosity in his eyes. His other hand resting in front of his stomach. I move, mirroring his pose. "Ok Mr Rennel, what would you like to know?" I place my hand in front of my stomach, our fingers lightly touching.

We spent the afternoon lazing about getting to know each other even more. I find myself liking this man more than I expected. During our conversation, I've learnt more about him than I have about anyone else in the villa. He grew up rough. His mother was single and struggling on her own but his nan helped them out and by the sounds of it, he's gotten quite close to her. When he talks about her his whole face softens, you can see and practically feel the love and respect he has for her. I told him all about my relatively normal childhood. Skimmed over some serious relationships but held back from telling him about my last one. It's not exactly something I want out there in the world and I don't want him to look at me like everyone else does when they find out. With sad, pitiful eyes. I came here to start fresh so no way was I bringing that up.

While we were talking I hardly noticed the world around me. Gary was just so inviting and I felt so relaxed around him. "Hey lovebirds!" I jump at Priya's sudden presence, so much so I nearly hit Gary with my water bottle. "Scooch over hun!" We laugh as Gary and I shuffle over. I turn to face Priya. As I do I immediately become aware of Gary's proximity. I could feel the heat from his chest radiating from his body. His hand finds a spot on my hipbone and his thumb immediately starts brushing against my skin. "Hi, Priya! How're things with Rocco?" She smiles at herself, her cheeks gaining some colour. "Good so far. Thanks again for being so understanding about it all." She looks over at Gary's hand then meets my eyes with a mischievous smile, "although it seems to have worked out well for you regardless." "No complaints from me."

"Ooo slumber party!" Marisol squeals from behind me. "Move over Gary!" I feel Gary shuffle closer, his body was completely flush with mine. Suddenly I feel his hot breath on my ear, making goosebumps appear on my skin, "Sorry about this." I quickly squeeze his hand on my hip letting him know not to worry. "Well, ladies as much as I would love to stay here and join in on this party a man knows when it's time to go." He quickly pecks my cheek as he squeezes my hip before he jumps up and heads inside. We all look at each other and burst into giggles.

"Oh, I love making the boys squirm" Priya giggles. All three of us lie back and stretch out our legs. Basking in the sun. "So I'm assuming you are picking Garry when there's a re-coupling?" Marisol asks blankly. "That's assuming it's the girls' choice and no one else picks him," I respond as I turn my head to watch her. She seems deep in thought. A little smirk plays across her face. "Later girls!" She hops up and strolls into the villa.

"Ok, that was interesting," I say to Priya. Just then Priya sits up and shifts so she's facing me. "What's going on hun?" I looked at her confused. "What do you mean Priya?" "Well, this morning you're practically drooling over..." She looks around to see if there are any islanders within earshot, the movement causing her tropical scent she wears to waft over me, then continues, her voice a whisper now. "Drooling over Noah and now it looks like you and Gary are going to be a thing. I'm confused." I sit up. "Oh, that," I say, my voice sounding defeated. "Well, I saw Noah and Hope kissing before in the pool. It got me thinking how Gary is making a real effort in getting to know me." I start talking animatedly with my hands. Priya shuffles back a bit. "I mean Noah and I have talked some but I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Besides he seems really into Hope." The ache in my gut is back. "And Hope is drop-dead gorgeous, a successful and powerful woman, I don't stand a chance next to her. He's better off with her." My shoulders slump forward as I finish talking.

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