The Beginning

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The last couple of days have been a whirlwind, to say the least. What I thought was going to be a girls' day turned into Casa Amor. I was so disappointed because I was looking forward to talking to Noah. I mean, it was nice meeting all the guys and getting a change of scenery. A little break from the intense drama that's been happening. All the Casa guys have been so friendly and I seem to have gravitated towards Graham though. Who knew fishermen could look like that? I definitely had a little bit of a physical attraction there and we got along just fine. Priya and I were running around making bad fishing puns. For such a big man he's surprisingly fast. He caught me so quickly after we splashed him with some water. Something about him being used to getting water splashed in his face. When his hands rested on my hips there was a little sizzle and I could have sworn he looked at my lips. It felt like he was going to kiss me. Instead, he picked me up and threw me in the pool.

All I could think about was Noah. Time away from even seeing him around has me missing him like crazy. I made sure that Priya and I shared a bed from the very first night too. Hope and Marisol had no issues sharing obviously and Hannah firmly put herself outside on the daybeds. Chelsea and Elijah seemed to have hit it off. Once we got a minute alone we had a chat and she apologised for picking Noah, said she panicked and that he seemed like the only one unattached. As soon as she did it she realised her mistake. Priya also apologised for her little outburst.

In a couple of hours, we'll be back in the main villa and I'll get to see him again. My stomach is in knots. He said he wanted me to be happy no matter what. Even if that means me being with someone else. Can I do the same for him though? After that video, it kind of looks like he has a thing with one of the girls. An intimate moment where they're touching and then staring into each other's eyes. Maybe he's decided that he doesn't want to deal with my baggage or he simply just got tired of waiting around. What if the second they saw each other it was love at first sight?

"Stop whatever you're thinking right now." Priya breaks my thought cycle. "What? I wasn't." I flip my head around to her. "Uh-huh. Hun, I can practically see the steam coming from your ears your thinking that hard. Don't stress Noah will be waiting for you." We are busy getting ready and packing our bags for tonight. Soon we will be deciding to couple with new partners or stick with the old ones. "How can you be so sure? You saw the video." A frustrated Priya drops her clothes, stalks towards me and grabs me by the shoulders. "Honestly I wish it was acceptable to slap common sense into people. Noah will be there. Alone. He has been all about you from the start and some random chick is not going to change anything." I throw my dresses in and plonk down on the seat. "You're right." She flips her hair, "I usually am. Now hurry up and get ready so we can get back to our men."

I decide on a long black dress that sits tightly on my curves. On either side of the legs are slits that go right up to where my hips begin. There are two small straps across my hips to keep the pieces from fully splitting. The neckline plunges to the middle of my chest and the thin straps just manage to hold the material onto my body. I've been saving this dress. "Damn girl! Where have you been hiding that?" I do a little spin for Priya. "I've been saving it P. I figure after a few days of not seeing Noah might be a good enough reason to bust it out." She smiles at me approvingly. "Oh, it definitely is." Hope and Marisol are in their usual spot, across the room, snickering. Hope has been all over Carl. The second she heard he works in the Tech Industry she started clinging to him like crazy. As for Marisol, well I honestly think she just came here to kiss and get with as many guys as possible. I still find Hope leering at me occasionally but beyond that, I try to stay clear of her as much as possible. I slip my feet into some cute matching heels. "Right P, let's go." We link arms and stroll out. The one good thing about having to get dressed up so much means I've been slowly getting better at wearing heels.

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