Private Show

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We arrive at the challenge area with a very large paddling pool in the centre. On one end are buckets with different colours and each boy's name on one. Measuring jugs stand on the opposite side.

"You ever get the feeling when you arrive somewhere that this is not gonna end well?" Gary says as he looks between the buckets and me. My phone pings, "Islanders, in today's challenge the girls need to find their perfect match. Boys - you will each be covered in a different colour slime. Girls you will need to mix your assigned colour but without using your hands. The girl with the most amount of slime that closely resembles her colour wins."

"Slime? Really?", poor Ibrahim looks so uncomfortable. Bobby looks like he won the lotto, "It's like they read my mind." The boys go stand by their buckets. Gary has a mischievous glint in his eyes, "go for it!" I giggle as I pour the red slime all over him. The second the slime makes contact with his skin a quiet yelp comes from the big guy. "Ok, I did not expect it to be cold!" I join the girls as we each stand on the opposite end of the pool. The second we are in position a collective ping fills the air. We all received a text and I have to make the colour orange. I look up and smile at Gary. Lucky I need red. I scan the group and my eyes land on Noah who is the only guy covered in yellow slime.

I look at Gary in panic. He just gives me a little nod and wink, "it's just a game. Don't worry darlin'." It's like he read my mind and I can't help but return a grateful smile. The speakers in the villa suddenly start beeping and then a horn blows. The girls race off toward the boys. My sights are set on Gary. He stands ready with arms wide, I wobble. Trying to compensate I lean too far forward and end up sliding with fast momentum. I slam into him. He chuckles as I start rigidly sliding up and down against him. My every intention is to get covered in the red slime so that when it comes time to get slime off Noah I can figure out how to do it with minimal contact.

Gary grabs my hips and starts grinding against me making my skin tingle warmly despite the coolness of the slime. "Gotta make sure you're covered darlin'", I smile at him and reach my hands around and take hold of his perfectly toned butt. Holding onto him I press my chest into his and slowly move up and down him while keeping eye contact. Gary's cheeks get a little colour and I'm pretty sure he started getting hard. I giggle as I step away from him not wanting him to have a full hard-on and nowhere to hide. I wink as I move toward Noah.

Our eyes meet and Gary's laugh fades into the background. I slowly step up to Noah, our bodies a couple of inches apart. We stare at each other for a beat, my body leaning forward on its own accord, being pulled towards him like a magnet. His voice quietly breaks through, "stretch your arms out. Palms up." Puzzled I look at him, "trust me honeybee." Honeybee, the name takes flight in my heart and I do as I'm told. I lift my arms out in front of me, palms up, unconsciously biting my lip.

I watch as he uses the underside of his arms to scrape slime onto them from his chiselled abs. He steps to the side of me and barely whispers, "let go of your lip honeybee before any self-control I have left disappears." I release my lip immediately, my mouth dry. The tension was thick between us. He scrapes yellow slime off one arm onto mine, the contact sending electricity up my arms. He moves to the other side and does the same with his other arm, the electricity now crackling at my core. "Mix the slime with what you have on your stomach." Without hesitation, I do as I'm told. He watches me as I carefully mix our slime without using my hands. I look down and orange has come to life against my body.

My eyes drift up to Noah's intense gaze. He just smiles and nods as he takes a step back from me. I force myself to move away from him and head toward my measuring jug. How in the hell am I supposed to do this? I look at Hannah next to me trying to contort herself low to the ground to scrape against the edges. I suppress the urge to laugh at the awkwardness of her position. Priya's giggles catch my attention and I turn to see her happily grind very sexually against Ibrahim.

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