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Mono woke up first this time, not really remembering falling asleep, from having been distracted by his thoughts the night before. He doesn't know how long he's been asleep for, but he did feel a lot better than he did earlier, which came as a relief. His body still ached a bunch, but at least he didn't have a horrendous headache like he did the first time he woke up. He knew that he was rested enough to finally get up and fully check out the room he and Seven were potentially stuck in for who knows how long. He was wishing that it wouldn't be too long, because he knows for sure that he wouldn't be able to survive long in here without food or water, and The Hunter definitely wasn't going to offer them some. Even if he did he wouldn't take it unless he was extremely desperate, as everything would be most likely poisoned.

Then Mono thought about Seven. Seven, from what he seen already, was very petite. Which wasn't good for their situation, where they may not get anything of their body needs for a while. His shirt draped over him and his sleeves went a little past his hands. Mono could tell that Seven had not eaten a lot from wherever he came from, not that Mono ever had much to eat, but it seemed that Seven had it much worse. Perhaps that's why he came here? Or maybe he ended up here on accident like Mono had. He would ask Seven later, when he felt like he had the other's trust enough to get an honest answer.

When Mono finished his little inner monologue, he got up quietly, not wanting to wake up the still resting Seven. Mono glanced at Seven, wondering how he was comfortable all balled up next to the wall like that, but remembered that everyone slept differently. Mono stood all the way up, thankfully without causing Seven to show any signs of wakefulness. He didn't want to rudely cause Seven to wake up when he needed the rest more than the both of them. Not only was he roughly captured once, but twice, all in the matter of two days. It made a surge of guilt rise back up inside Mono, but instead of allowing it to take over his consciousness, he pushed it back down. He didn't have time to wallow in guilt.

The last time Mono was in here, he didn't really get to have a good look around, so this time he finally gave the room a good look over. There were several cage looking things stacked in a corner, right next to a table that had a box on top of it. He wondered if there was anything in it that could help them, but he would worry about that in a little bit, since he was distracted by the window above it. The small amount of light filtering through the window lighting up the otherwise dim room. There wasn't much else in the room, and he could tell that it hadn't been used for a while before he and Seven were captured.

Without much more dazing around the room, Mono made his way to the table with the small window above it. That window was the only thing allowing light to enter the room, especially since the old doorway was now boarded up tightly with new wood, much to Mono's disappointment. The light softly filling the room gave Mono a little hope that he and Seven would make it out alive, and instead of snuffing it out like last time, he let it make him feel somewhat better.

The dust floating around signified that the room has not been clean in a very long time. That showed that this was most likely an extra room or an unused room that The Hunter had, which he already came to the conclusion earlier when he saw how empty it was. Though a part of Mono also wondered if this room was specifically for people The Hunter captured and trapped. It was unlikely. There were really no details in the room that would show that, but it was still a possibility and Mono didn't like the idea at all.

Mono tentatively lifted himself onto the table, which proved itself to be a struggle with how injured his body still was. He made it up there, trying to ignore the pain it brought him, and saw what he believed was a chest of some sort that he thought was just a regular box earlier. He tried to open it, pulling on it with all the leftover strength he still had, but it was sadly locked tightly. It may have even been empty with how light the box felt, but he would never know for sure until he found a way to unlock it. He really wished he had his key thing on him now, even though it most likely wouldn't have fit, it may prove useful some other way.

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