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Seven was dragging Mono by his hand, desperately trying to get them away from whatever just crawled out of the television. Mono, on the other hand, was trying his hardest to run as fast as he could. Though the world seemed to slow down as if he was still in the television dimension. This had to be the world warping powers of the tall man that was slowly chasing after him, his long strides echoing across the space in an unnatural way. Whenever the man got even a little close, Mono's vision became fuzzy and the ringing increased, which was the exact same way the televisions did to him.

Why did Mono let that man out? Did the creepy man brainwash him, or did he use his powers in some sort of way? Why did Mono feel this sort of tugging connection with the man?

There were too many questions and not enough time to think about any of them as the two small boys ran away from the Thin Man. They had made it to the room they visited earlier, and Seven froze for a second not knowing where to go from here. There was no exit, no clear way to escape. Mono felt the sudden urge to run and let go of Seven, as if he wasn't supposed to be with him. He pushed that thought away and started running towards the bed with Seven. He could sense that the Thin Man was almost there, and he had to keep Seven safe. He caused this and no matter what weird instinct told him, he wasn't leaving Seven to deal with his mistakes.

Seven was glad that Mono had snapped out of his dulled state and helped him out. He didn't mean to panic, but after seeing an insanely tall person crawl out of an electronic, his mind was scattered with fear. The smaller boy felt like he didn't know what to do, especially with the dangerous aura the man gave off. Now they were hiding underneath the bed, hoping that the Thin Man wouldn't find them under here and look elsewhere. It was unlikely, but they're best shot with what limited time they had.

Within seconds the Thin Man entered the room, and from where Seven could only see his feet, it almost looked like he teleported through the door frame. If this man could teleport, then that would make their escape nearly impossible. The room darkened with the man's presence, everything rattled as the Thin Man's gaze searched the room, going straight to the table after a second of thinking.

"Where?" The two boys were surprised to hear the distorted voice come from the man, not expecting the person to speak. Mono shuffled back farther, and tried to block out Seven as best as he could, trying to keep the old man away from him.

After angrily throwing the table across the room, the Thin Man took another step forward before teleporting to the bedside. If their breaths didn't already stop a while ago, it surely would have then as they sat there terrified. A hand reached down a bit, and Mono moved himself to protect them from Seven. Seven grabbed onto one of Mono's arms and stared right at the hand slowly coming forward, his eyes wide.

Then, without even having to grab them, Mono felt himself being pulled towards the hand, and he scrambled his feet backwards and pushed in a futile attempt to not get taken. Seven was trying his hardest to keep Mono with him as well, grabbing a hold of him and hoping his small amount of weight would keep them grounded. It didn't work, both being swept up by the hand's force.

Mono pushed Seven off of him at the last moment, causing the Thin Man to only grab Mono. Seven reached out to pull Mono back again, but barely missed his sleeve when the man pulled back. With a new wave of terror, Seven scooted backwards again and watched Mono struggle in the old man's grasp.

"Where?" The question came out again from the Thin Man's mouth, the words twisting and going off pitch. "Where?" This time the older man seemed more agitated, and began to shake Mono. That said boy did not take this, and began to kick and hit the man, wanting to escape in any means necessary. He didn't know for sure why the man hadn't tried to kill him yet, but he did know that it meant that he wasn't entirely after Mono. Which could only mean he wanted to hurt Seven, and Mono wasn't going to allow it.

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