Rain (Akutagawa x y/n)

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When you went out to shop the weather was cloudy. This type of weather was your favourite kind, however, one thing you totally forgot is to bring an umbrella in case it does rain.

You were going through different aisles to get the things you needed for your pantry and home. When you were done shopping it was pouring hard. You had no umbrella and the amount of cash left in your purse wasn't sufficient enough for a cab ride back home. It was truly an unfortunate day for you.

You sighed and decided to wait under the department store's shed, looking up at the sky you did not get any hopes high. It seems like you may have to stand for a long time waiting for it to stop pouring. Taking out your earphones from your purse you decided it's best to at least do something while you wait. You put them on and clicked on your favourite song for the weather.

You were lost in the lyrics, humming softly to the tune when you felt two light taps on your shoulder. Pulling away one of your earbuds, you looked towards the person who interrupted your music. Your eyes travelled to the somewhat familiar face, adorned with black hair with light highlights at the tip. Akutagawa was standing next to you and looking towards you with an expressionless face.

"Oh! Akutagawa-san! Sorry, I was with my earphones on. What are you doing at the department store?" you smiled a little and asked.

He put up his left hand showing you a small bag containing kinds of stuff, apparently, he was out shopping as well. You nodded in acknowledgement of it.

"Why are you standing here in such weather? Shouldn't you be heading home?" Akutagawa asked you.

You sighed, "I forgot my umbrella, and here I am waiting for the rain to stop so that I can go home." you replied.

He took out his umbrella and opened it as he was heading to his house, when he heard you say that he looked at you with a small frown, his mouth agape trying to think of proper words. He wasn't good with words, and most of the time he came off as rude or forceful to others. He didn't want you to think like that about him. So he nodded towards his umbrella. Confused you tilted your head to the side, raising an eyebrow, silently asking him to elaborate on it.

"Do you.... would you.....I...If you want I can leave you at home. You see... I have an umbrella and...you don't know when the rain will stop so..." He on cue pointed towards the object in his hand to make you understand.

You smiled at him and said, "Really? Thank you! Yes please, that'd be really helpful if you don't mind it. I don't want to cause you any trouble."

He shook his head saying no and gestured you to come under the umbrella. You obliged and went towards him. Both of you started walking on the pavement when he stopped abruptly and looked at you, "I do not know where you stay, so please guide the way." You nodded at him, "It's on the next block, not too far away. I decided to walk as the weather was to my liking when I went out." You said.


You met Akutagawa at a park for the first time. You were sitting on a bench and reading a book, when you heard violent coughing from somewhere around. You looked up and opposite to you a man clad in black was holding the lamp post for support and coughing. He looked like he was in pain so you decided to go and help him.

"Are you okay sir? Do you need to go to a doctor?" You asked him from a respectable distance. A little startled he looked up at the source of the voice, his eyes went a little wide and he shook his head, "No. I do not need your help." You frowned at this. You noticed you had the hot coffee you bought for yourself still untouched and gave it to him, hoping the warm drink will soothe his throat.

He pushed it away, "I said you I do not need help. Go away." That was really rude of him. You were just trying to help. You huffed and pushed the drink to his hand, "I insist mister! You look like you'll start coughing up blood if you don't get some relief! And you better drink it or I'll drag you to the clinic." You were soft-hearted and hated to see someone suffering in front of your eyes. He looked at you a bit dumbfounded and took the coffee and sipped it till it was finished. You smiled triumphantly.

You took out some medicine from your purse which you carry in case of any emergency and gave it to him. "Take that, it'll help you with the cough till you reach home." He nodded and took the medicine with the remaining coffee. "I....thank you." He frowned, "No one would usually bother helping me." You shrugged, "Well my name's no one. It's y/n. So there you have it."

He snorted softly and nodded then left towards the exit of the park muttering a last thank you. After that, you met him around the park or in the neighbourhood a few times and got acquainted with him.

-end of flashback-

Shopping bags in hand you both walked side by side in the rain till you reached your apartment complex. You turned towards him, "Thank Akutagawa-san, it's really nice of you." You gave him a small smile. He nodded at you. "Would you like to come in? It's still raining, you could do well with some hot drink?" You asked him. You wanted to thank him for his help. He hesitated for a minute contemplating whether he should say yes or not. After that, he slowly nodded. You beamed towards him and ushered him inside the complex and towards your apartment.

He stood near the door looking around and taking in the place. "You can put the umbrella on the rack, and the bags on the table there, and please take a seat and make yourself comfortable! I'll be back with some tea." You said shedding your coat and hanging it on the hook.

He did as you said and took a seat on the sofa in the living room. A few minutes later you came back with two steaming mugs of milk tea. You gave him the sugar pot so that he can add it accordingly. He took a sip of the drink and hummed in contentment. "This tea is good. Thank you for this." He said. You nodded and muttered a 'thanks'. After some tea and small talk he left. You closed the door behind you and sighed. Today was a good day.


Words: 1160


A/N: Thank you for reading till the end! This was my first chapter from this book and I decided to start with this cute emo boy. Hope you liked it so far, and I apologise if Akutagawa was ooc. I tried to write him as canonically as possible.

Votes and comments are highly appreciated!! It motivates me to write more :D

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