Enchanted (Chuuya x y/n)

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Trigger warning: Alcoholism, non-con

You were a normal girl, with a normal life, and currently going through a very normal heartbreak. Okay no kidding, it was hurting like hell. Your ex and you were dating for three years, and today you found out that he cheated on you, made it sound like it was your fault and then broke up with you. You were out in a bar with some friends or sort of to drown your sorrow with some strong liquor. You couldn't share your pain with them, afraid that they might say that it was somehow truly your fault. Where did it go wrong? You did not have an answer to that question. So all through the evening you were zoning out on the idle chatter your friends were having, it's obvious to say you were left out despite being present there. Your forced laughter or fake smiles unbeknownst to them. You sighed and downed the fifth glass of whiskey that night.

You were getting tired of your so-called friends' fake attitudes and actions, and you turned away from them and took a lone seat at the end of the bar counter. Soft music buzzes throughout the room doing nothing to soothe your inner turmoil. You felt the air shift at your left side, looking towards that direction, you saw the man with auburn hair, azure eyes and semi-formal attire. White shirt hugged his lithe body perfectly, the black waistcoat highlighted his physique and the fedora was an added bonus to his charms. He tipped his hat and looked at you with a confident smile. You held up the glass a little to return his greeting.

"So, what is a beautiful girl like you downing all that liquor for?" He asked while ordering his drink to the bartender. You snorted, "Wow is that a typical line of yours to pick up girls?" You ordered another glass of whiskey, the bartender now looked at you with concern, your words were slurring badly. The auburn-haired man looked at you with a raised eyebrow, "I wasn't trying to do that. You looked really drunk so it was a simple genuine question." He shrugged and got back to drinking. You sighed, "Listen, I apologise, I didn't mean to sound that rude." He turned to face you and gave a small nod, "Care to share what's wrong?" You looked at him and finally took in his appearance, he was gorgeous. His auburn hair was framing his handsome face perfectly. It was fair to say his looks were enchanting. Noticing that you were staring at him made him chuckle, "Is there something on my face?" He asked. You blushed and shook your head. "Share? I don't even know your name yet. You're basically a stranger." You replied. He hummed in agreement, "Isn't that what is so great about it? You can share your burden with a total stranger without being afraid to be judged later as you'll never meet them again."

You took in what he said and couldn't help but agree with him on it. You sighed and placed your glass on the counter and started rambling about your boyfriend, how you met him, how much you loved him, what happened today and what he did to you, all thanks to the amount of liquor in your stomach. The stranger listened quietly without letting his emotions show on his face. Even if he was judging you, you couldn't know because of it. After you finished with your rambling, you downed the remaining liquor in one go. You were going to order another one, but a firm hand on your shoulder stopped you to do so. You looked at the hand, it was the stranger's.

"I think you've had enough for today. How about you go home? I can assist you if you want." He offered. You stood up, his hand sliding off in the process, "No need I can take myself back home, it's nearby." You staggered. You were going to fall if the counter wasn't there to hold and maintain your balance. You gripped it tightly and breathed out shakily. The stranger looked at you with concern, "My offer still stands, let me help you. I have got a car." Judging from your situation, you decided it was the best option currently. However being cautious was necessary, in case something happens, you took out your phone and found the police station number. As soon as something goes downhill you won't hesitate to give a call. You slowly nodded at him, "Please, thank you for your help." He gave you a small smile and guided you towards his car. It looked expensive, now that you notice, even his attire looks quite expensive for a commoner. A dread falls in the pit of your stomach, hopefully, nothing bad will happen.

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