Lunch (Dazai x y/n)

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Working at the ADA was okay, but working alongside Dazai Osamu wasn't. Especially when he's hungry. He's especially annoying, not only to Kunikida but to everyone. Currently, he was hovering around you, while you were furiously typing the report that was due this afternoon. If you can't submit it by then the president will definitely have your head. He was scary if you're being honest. Dazai had his report due as well, but since when does he ever work? Probably Atsushi or Kunikida has to hand over his one later.

"Y/n-chaaan~~~~ It's afternoon already! C'mon let's go out and eat something!" Dazai said wiggling his arms at you. You were getting annoyed but you controlled your temper and rubbed your temples. Sighing, you said, "Dazai-kun, please wait a few minutes, I'm almost done with my report then I have the rest of the day off. I promise I'll treat you to lunch as compensation!" Hearing this his eyes sparkle with glee.

"Well if you say that then I'll let you work on it fast!" Saying this he went away to Kunikida and started disturbing him like he was doing to you a minute ago. You chuckled at his behaviour and went back to writing the remaining task.

Fifteen minutes later you stacked up the printed copies of the report and submitted it to the President's office. After stretching your back and legs you decided to go for lunch outside with Dazai. You looked for him but he wasn't at his table. Checking the sitting area, you found him laying on the sofa with his headphones on singing along to his double-suicide song.

Walking to him you picked up the headphones, resulting in him turning his head towards you. "Y/n-chan! Are you done with your work?" He asked with a goofy smile. You nodded, "Yep done. Now let's go get your promised lunch." He shouted a small 'yay' and took your hands in his and ran out of the agency. You blushed at his action.

You had a little crush on him since you joined the agency, but never managed to confess to him. Okay, who are you lying to? You were head over heels for him despite his annoying behaviour. He was smart when his situation demanded it, and when you saw him in action during one of your missions where you were partnered with him, it's okay to say that you fell harder for him. It was getting difficult to control your heartbeats around him, and he was holding your hand was sending you to overdrive.

You were lost in your thoughts so you didn't notice when Dazai stopped walking. Due to this, you crashed into him. You moved back with an oomph almost falling down, but his other hand came around your waist to support you. "My, my, y/n-chan be careful while walking. Or did you purposely crash into me?" Hearing his words made you blush hard, "As if anyone wants to crash into you, idiot Dazai! Now let's get inside or you're paying for yourself!" You hmphed and went inside the restaurant.

It was a ramen shop, smelling the aroma in the air made your stomach grumble and you took a seat on a table near the windows. Dazai came over and sat opposite you, opening up the menu card and looking through the dishes. You decided to do the same. The server approached you to take your orders, "I'd like a tonkatsu ramen please!" You ordered. "I'll have a shoyu ramen with extra crab meat please!" You heard Dazai's order.

He then looked at you with a smile, "So what was my dear y/n-chan thinking about earlier?" His question made you blush slightly, "That is none of your business Dazai-kun." You replied calmly. "Ohhh was y/n-chan thinking about someone she likes?~" Dazai asked in a teasing tone. Annoyed at his pestering, you finally said, "Yes I was, so what? It's as I said none of your business Dazai-kun."

Hearing this his smile faltered a bit, "Ah I see so y/n-chan already has someone she likes? Too bad then." Before you could ask what he meant by that the server came back with your orders. Both of you ate the food quietly. Too quiet while you're eating with someone like Dazai. Your thoughts wandered again, 'was he upset about the fact that you had someone you liked?' Shaking your head you ignored that idea. It'll only give you false hope anyways.

After finishing up the food you paid for both of your lunches. Dazai sighed in satisfaction, "Thank you for the lunch today y/n-chan! It was a lovely date!" Your face was flustered again and you're gaping at him with your mouth hanging open. You were going to pass by him when he took hold of your arm stopping you from walking away.

"Y/n, is it really that hard to get what I meant before?" He whispered softly. Your eyes went wide as you took in what he said, your assumption wasn't wrong after all.

"I like you y/n, since our mission together. You were so brave, you saved me from getting severely injured. You're so alluring and I love to hear your voice whenever you speak to me. I would be honoured if you give me a chance and go on a date with me." Dazai finished, looking at you with expecting eyes.

You forgot to breathe for a second, was Dazai actually confessing to you!? Your heart leapt at the thought. Your crush wasn't one-sided, he actually liked you back! "You idiot Dazai, I like you too, I've liked you for a long time and it started hurting not to say it out loud. I'd love to go on a date with you!" You said with a beaming smile.

His face mirrored your smile and his hand glided through your cheek and rested on your neck, "May I?" He asked gesturing towards your lips. You nodded, "Yes please." You whispered and closed your eyes. His lips brushed against yours softly, moving at a slow rhythm. You didn't hesitate to reciprocate the movements in the same tune. His lips were soft and warm, it made your eyes flutter and close. His other hand brushed against your scalp softly, caressing down your spine and rested on the crook of your waist.

You both pulled away breathing heavily from the kiss, his forehead resting against yours. He sighed softly and smiled, "That was even better than I thought. You taste sweet my dear y/n-chan." Your face reddened at his words and you lowered your head to avoid looking at his eyes. A finger brushed against your chin, pulling your face up to meet his gaze, he placed a small kiss on your temple, "Now we should talk about the date!" He said excitedly. You couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm and nodded. Walking back to your home you both started discussing where you should go for your first date.


Words: 1187


A/N: Hiya guys! Another new chapter with Dazai. Hope you liked this one. It was cute writing soft Dazai and y/n. Excuse any mistakes or bad writing please ;0;

Votes and comments are highly appreciated as it motivates me to write more! :D

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