(M) House of Cards (Yandere!Dazai x y/n)

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T/W: dub-con/non-con, violence

You were hunched over your desk, typing away the report from yesterday's mission. From the corner of your eyes, you noticed Dazai making a beeline towards you humming softly. His arms were flailing the loose bandages. "Y/n-chaaan¬¬¬" Dazai spoke in a whiny tone. You didn't bother looking up because it was another of his nonsense, he loved wasting your time after all. He let you be after some time as you didn't react to him as you wanted. Pressing the print button you made your way towards the printer, collected the papers in your arms, and went to hand them over to the President.

It took a few minutes longer than you expected inside, as Fukuzawa had extra information he needed from you regarding this particular case, it was a complicated one. Coming out of the room, you noticed Dazai leaning on the wall next to the door, when he noticed you came out, he looked at you intensely. His stare made you uncomfortable for some reason, and you felt shivers running down your spine, and it was not the good kind. The atmosphere seemed tense and suffocating under his gaze. You coughed to shake off the uneasiness, and finally looked into his eyes, "Do you need something Dazai?" You asked curiously. He inhaled sharply, "What took you so long? You spent quite a while inside." He asked in a low voice. You looked at him as if he grew three heads, "It's the President Dazai! What the fuck is wrong with you?" You sighed after the outburst. Dazai has been behaving like this for quite a while. In the beginning, it was just a small pout and whining about how you don't pay attention to him, slowly it progressed onto something more. He would cling to you, follow you around, and barge in the middle of conversations. He needed to assert that he was the only one you should be talking to and paying attention to. 

You started dating about six months ago when both of you found out that your feelings were mutual. He used to be such a sweetheart, taking care of you, knowing exactly what you needed at the moment, and what you desired. As you are thinking about it now, after observing his weird possessive behaviour, you are starting to question those gestures. How was it possible that he knew the exact things you wanted, even the brands, the flavours, or the colour? Dazai seemed to notice your brain turning its wheels to figure out something, and that was a red alert for him. He immediately took your hands in his, and spoke softly, "I'm sorry y/n, I'm just insecure about why such a beautiful woman like you would ever agree to date a depressed and suicidal person like...I often think that you might leave me as you got tired of waiting for me to heal." Your thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when you heard those words, they tugged at your heartstrings, and you couldn't help but feel wrong about doubting him. 

You curled your fingers around his, and smiled softly, "Never Dazai, I'll never leave you for something like that, it's not your fault. I'll be there for you, and help you, or just be by your side. But never leave you. I love you, and you should believe me. If you forget...then I'll just remind you as many times as I need to." You moved closer to him, standing on your tiptoes and kissing his lips softly to assure him that you meant every word. He gave you a small smile and placed a kiss on your forehead, "Thank you y/n, I love you too...so so much..." After that, you went ahead and sat at your desk to finish any other tasks left. The rest of the day passed by just like that.

- time skip to a week later -

You were out to buy some lunch for yourself today, it was a tough day at work and you thought you deserved a good treat. You made your way towards the shopping mall entrance, and a blast of cool air hit you, making you sigh in relief. It was really hot outside, and hence you decided to wear a sleeveless top and shorts. You made your way towards your favourite restaurant to order some food. "Y/n!" A deep voice called your name. You turned to see Chuuya making his way towards you. You gave him a big smile and wrapped your arms around him, "Hey! I haven't seen you in a long time Chuuya." You said. He nodded, "Is that bandage-squandering machine giving you any trouble?" You chuckled at his attempt at asking how Dazai was doing, you shook your head, "No, not really..." You trailed off, "He has been clingy and possessive though..." You replied thinking back to the past events. Chuuya lifted an eyebrow silently stating that it was nothing new. You smiled at him thinking he is most probably right after all. Collecting your food from the pick-up, you both walked towards the park nearby. He accompanied you during lunchtime, and then both of you bid your goodbyes for the day.

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