(M) Insecure (Dazai x y/n)

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The Agency decided to give its employees a little holiday, so here you were with everyone in a beach resort. The sun was shining brightly up above and the salty weather was refreshing in its own way. All of the agency staff were waiting in the reception to check in to their rooms, and then go enjoy the beach. The rooms were divided among pairs, naturally pairing you with Dazai since you both were dating. He took your hands in his, wrapping his fingers around your wrist, and leading you towards your shared room. He let go of your hand to open the door, and you were welcomed with a huge French window, with a view of the sea ahead. The sunlight was cascading through the glass, making the atmosphere warm and inviting. "It's so beautiful here!" You gasped taking in the view. Dazai hummed in response, coming behind you and wrapping his bandaged arms around your waist, pulling you closer. His chin settled at the crook of your neck, enjoying the view himself.

"I can't wait to see you in your bikini y/n-chan..." He softly spoke into your neck. You blushed heavily and chuckled shyly at his comment. "Let's get ready and head out then, others might be waiting for us." You said to him, unwrapping his arms and heading to take out your swimwear from your luggage. He reluctantly let you go, rummaging through his own bag to find something suitable to wear at the beach. You took out your (f/c) swimwear and headed towards the bathroom to get changed. After changing you shyly poked your head from behind the door, watching Dazai as he was going through his phone. You coughed lightly, making Dazai look up at you. Slowly, you stepped out of the bathroom, your body now draped in your swimwear as you stood there awkwardly with your arms hugging your torso. "How do I look?" You asked looking up at him. His mouth was open wide, as his eyes shamelessly raked over your body. "You look....you look fucking sexy y/n..." He murmured making you blush at his statement.

He was wearing a shirt and swimming shorts. You were hoping to see more of his skin but he kept that shirt buttoned up. Making his way towards you, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, "Let's go to the beach now, shall we?" He asked you. You nodded and you both headed out to meet up with the other members and enjoy the rest of the day. He took your hands again and ran towards the beach making you giggle at his childishness. When you both stood on the sand, your toes curled against the coarse yet pleasant feeling of it under your feet, making you wiggle your toes. A sudden splash of water made you squeal in surprise. Turning your head you noticed Yosano with a devilish grin on her face as she got ready to splash you with more water. "Don't get me started on this Yosano-san..." you warned her. She simply shrugged and splashed you with the water anyways. Oh, this was going to be amusing. Both of you were engrossed in your water fight too much to notice Dazai sitting under the umbrella and looking at you with a forlorn look.

After half an hour you finally needed a break from all the running around. You made your way towards Dazai when you noticed him sitting. It was odd to see him so quiet and inactive as he's usually the one who's the loudest among all of you. You sat beside him, placing your palm on his shoulder assuringly, "Hey...what's wrong Dazai? Are you feeling alright?" You asked out of concern. He looked up at you and sadly chuckled, "I'm fine y/n-chan..." he replied. His actions didn't go unnoticed by you. His fingers were scratching at his bandaged arms in a constant motion, while his legs were fidgeting in anxiety. You took both of his hands into yours and spoke softly, "Dazai what's wrong? Please tell me..." He looked up at you with uncertain eyes but hurriedly turned away from you. You sighed and placed your finger under his chin, making him look at you. You pecked his lips assuringly, "You can tell me what's bothering you love." you told him. He sighed and finally looked towards you. Gulping he didn't know whether it was okay to spoil your fun with his insecurity.

"I wonder why you like me y/n...I'm a suicidal maniac, trying to end my life every single day despite having you beside my side. I-I can't stop my thoughts...and..." he choked, "I don't deserve you...looking at you having so much fun with others...I think that you deserve someone much better than me." You quietly listened to him, a lone tear fell from your eyes as you heard him, you sniffed to mask your crying and held his hands tightly. Your palm rested against his cheek as you pulled him closer to you till your breath mingled together. Placing your lips on his, your fingers raked through his hair, knowing that it calms him down. Pulling away, you spoke up sternly, "Dazai look at me." He did as you told and met your stern gaze. "I don't want anyone else. Yes, your antics do tire and frustrate me on a daily basis, but I cannot imagine someone other than you to handle my stubborn ass either." He chuckled at the last part. You giggled hearing it as well.

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