Candy (Ranpo x y/n)

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You were assigned a mission together with Edogawa Ranpo. To say that you were nervous was the understatement of the century. You knew about his eccentric personality in the office and how selfish he may get sometimes. And to think that you had to care for a manchild while focusing on this important mission was eating at you. And not to mention your very 'tiny' crush on him wasn't helping your nerves either. You sighed loudly and went back to the remaining paperwork that you had to finish before you leave for the mission. Kunikida has been bugging you for it since the morning.

"Sometimes I wonder why I agreed to join the agency..." you muttered under your breath. Typing your report out as fast as you could, you turned on your chair to stretch, the sight in front of you making you jump and let out a squeal from your mouth. Ranpo was crouching to your level looking at you with scrutinizing eyes. "Ranpo? Why would you stand like that without saying anything?! You scared me." you said sighing. Ranpo just clicked his tongue and pointed an accusing finger at you, "We have a mission to complete, when are we leaving for it? I'm getting bored!" He whined like a child. Your fingers made their way toward your forehead, massaging the centre softly. Yep, you were so not prepared for this mission, especially with him. "Yeah, I just finished my report. Let's leave now." You replied to him. He nodded with a satisfied grin, then went back to suck on the lollipop he hand wrapped around his fingers.

Those fingers. How many times have you wished those long, slender fingers will make their way toward your cheek, softly caressing them over your skin? Brushing the stray hair from your face. Then those soft lips gently ghosting over your lips and slowly but gently pressing against your- "Hello! Earth to y/n!! What are you spacing about now?? Come on!" Ranpo's voice boomed in front of you breaking you from your daydreaming. You blushed in embarrassment and coughed lightly. 'Get a fucking grip y/n. You have a mission to complete!' You slowly nodded and stood up, making your towards the train station with him.

Your mission is to infiltrate an abandoned building near the outskirts of Yokohama. There was some drug dealing going on in the ruins, the dealers are rumoured to be ability users, hence the Armed Detective Agency took over the case from the police. The mission didn't need you both to catch the drug dealers yet, just to collect as much information as you could to plan an ambush later and catch them red-handed. It wasn't established what other crimes were taking place in these ruins, so it was dangerous for you both to take any action alone as of now. 

You both made your way towards the building slowly, turning to the right to enter the ruins through the back exit of the building. Your eyes turned towards Ranpo to check how he was doing, his eyes were lit up in excitement. You were anticipating something now because if Ranpo is excited that means this case is more than you thought. "Let's split up and check the first floor then we will move on to the second floor. Is that okay with you Ranpo?" You asked while looking around the dusty interior and eroding walls. The place smelled of rust and something else you couldn't pinpoint correctly. It was eerie, and the whistling sound of the wind blowing through the cracks in the walls wasn't helping the atmosphere around you. "Yep, that's okay with me," Ranpo muttered, already moving towards the pile of broken desks in the corner.  You made your way towards the opposite side rummaging through the junk to find something. 

After an hour of searching throughout the building, you couldn't find anything much other than a small packet of some suspicious powder, looks like they knew about the mission and already evacuated before they could be caught. You sighed as Ranpo and you made your way towards the exit. Ranpo found a few clues to their new whereabouts and you both are going to investigate it later today. You have always admired his wit and intelligence, and how effortlessly he solves mysteries as if it's nothing. If he wasn't with you today, you'll probably be lost with this case.

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