[15 December,2005]

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Ages:Chan-9 years old.
          :Seungmin-6 years old

Seungmin held onto his mom's dress as they walked towards their neighbours house,he looked up at his mom.

Seeing her smile as she knocked on the door,she bent down,doing hand signs."I heard that they have a son,he is a little older than you though".She mouthed as he nodded his head.

"You think he will like me?"He asked as he did hand signs.She smiled kissing his head."I'm sure he will".She said and he nodded her head.

The door opening,revealing a woman as she smiled at them."Hello,we just moved in next door and we decided to come and greet you".Seungmin's mother said and the lady smiled.

He looked up at the lady."Hello sweetheart,you are so pretty".She said as she smiled.Seungmin looked at his mom."He is deaf,he can't here properly with the hearing-aid".She said and the lady nodded her head.

"Okay we'll come inside,my wife isn't home as yet".She said as they walked inside the house.

"Channie,come greet the neighbours sweetheart".She said before smiling.

Seungmin watched as the brown haired boy ran down the stairs,stopping next to his mom."Introduce yourself Chan".His mother said and he nodded his head.

"Hi,my name is Chan,I'm 9 and I hope to be friends with you".He said and Seungmin looked at his mom.

"Ohh sorry Chan,Seungmin is deaf,so you'll have to write down for him to understand".Seungmin's mother said and Chan nodded his head.

"Okay,let's go to my room".He said as he held his hand out,Seungmin grabbed the boy's hand before being pulled up the stairs.

[If there is speaking or grammar mistakes I'm sorry,I'm lazy to do editing]

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