[1 January,2017]

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Seungmin woke up as he saw Chan sitting by the table as he drew inside his notebook.

"hey min".Chan said as he pulled the boy on to his lap,he kissed the boy's jaw."it's pretty".Seungmin said as he looked at flower.

"I'm sorry".Chan said and Seungmin looked at him."Remember when I took that over dose,I realized it was on the same day we met...I realized that you were always there for me so I scream for you and well passed out".Chan said and Seungmin looked at him.

"I was scared and worried about you that I had completely forgot what day it was". Seungmin signed out and Chan smiled at the boy.

"I'm sorry baby".Chan said and Seungmin stood up,pulling the boy into a hug."Don't say sorry,I love you and always will".He said and Chan kissed the boy.

"Come let's cuddle".Seungmin said and Chan nodded his head."Don't forget...we have visitors over so if you want to do anything...be quiet".Chan said and Seungmin looked at him shocked.

"I'm joking baby".Chan said as they made it to their bed."Happy new years baby".Chan said as Seungmin climbed on top of him.

"You too".He said before kissing the boy,he then laid on top of the boy as he felt Chan gently pull out the hearing aids.

"So what do you want for our anniversary this year?"Chan signed out and Seungmin blushed."Don't tell me".Chan said smirking and Seungmin shook his head."Okay,I do have something in mind... I'll ask out mothers to help with it".Chan said as he held the boy's hand.

"Now come, I'm hungry and want something to eat".Chan said as he changed their positions."No Chan,your brother is home".Seungmin signed out as the boy chuckled.

"I mean actual food sweetheart, I'll keep you for another time".Chan said as he helped the boy up.


they walked back into the room,feeling tired so they decided to sleep,knowing that Minho and jisung would wake up in a few hours so they had to make sure to get some energy into their system.

they moved close to each other,covering each other before holding each other.

They soon fell asleep.


Jisung woke up,seeing that he was in bed himself,he then noticed Minho was putting on his pants and shirt.

"Hyung-ah...I feel like I did something bad".He said,his eyes going big as he sat there on the bed.Minho rushed to his baby and he pulled him into a hug."My love,you never did anything wrong,nothing happened and nothing will ever happen...not while I'm here".Minho said and Jisung looked at his wrist,there was nothing.

"I love you Ji".Minho said as he kissed the boy's forehead."I love you too".Jisung said as he pulled the boy closer.*What do you want for breakfast?"Minho asked as they walked towards the kitchen.

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