[09 - 10 june,2017]

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Seungmin walked into the house,Chan was busy cooking while their moms were busy setting up the dinning table.

"Hello baby,how was school?"His mom asked and he smiled,hugging her."It was good,I learnt how to play a guitar today".He said and Chan smiled."So which mean you can play songs for me".He said and Seungmin smiled."A few more lesson then I'll get the hand on it".He said and Chan nodded his head.

"Did you take your medicine?"Chan's mother asked and Seungmin nodded his head.

They decided that it was best for Chan and Seungmin to move in with Seungmin's mother,to monitor Seungmin's health.

Seungmin never knew what happened but he remembered coming home from university and then when he woke up,he was in hospital.

He found out he was in a small come for,five days and the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him,so they decided to give him some immune system boosters and adrenaline booster tablets.

He was told to take one when ever he felt weak,and so he did.


They were eating,speaking too."I have an announcement to make".Seungmin's mother said and everyone looked at her. "I met this guy a few months ago and we have been going out on a few dates".She said and they all smiled."He sweet and he was wknder if he could meet you guys soon".She said and Seungmin smiled.

"Yes mom,we can meet him whenever he is ready".He said and she smiled."okay,I'll tell him".She said and they smiled before going back to eating.


Chan and Seungmin were busy cleaning up while their mothers were busy inside the longue.

"I'm happy for your mom".Chan said and Seungmin smiled."I am too".He said and they shared a hug.

Chan smiled,looking at Seungmin,Seungmin smiled.


Everyone was asleep,except Seungmin,slowly walking towards the toilet he felt like throwing up."Channie"He said softly before he puked,seeing the puddle of blood on the carpet he groaned,holding onto his stomach,falling down as he coughed,he groaned,sobbing quietly as he heard the bedroom door open.

[next day]

He woke up,he was in the hospital again."i see you're awake".the doctor said as she smiled."We do need to discuss a few things".She said and Seungmin nodded his head.

"What is wrong with me?"He asked and she looked at her clipboard."You have hemophilia,Seungmin".She said and he looked at her confused.

"Your blood can not clot,any injury can cause you to bleed".She said and he nodded his head."It's a scary thing,and there is no cure for it.There is medicine but I'm not sure wether is could be effective for long".she said and he looked at Chan.

His reflection in the boy's teary eyes.

"What I'm trying to say is that...you can die easily Seungmim,it can cause to become paralysed or you to have a seizure,you can bleed out and die...There is, alot Seungmin".She said and Seungmin nodded his head.

"You need to be careful now,I know you might not want to live your life this way but we can not risk you dying and at such a young age too Seungmim".She said and he nodded his head.

Chan stood up."Where are yoh going?"Seungmin asked and Chan sighed."I need some air".He said and Seungmin sat up."Please don't leave me,Chan...not now".He said and Chan sighed."I'll be back in a few minutes just stay here,our mom's will be back soon".He said and Seungmin looled at him.

"You're not leaving me Chan!".He said and Chan turned around."What am I suppose to do,I'm not God...can I not have sometime to myself,anymore?"He shouted as Seungmin looked at him.

"Chan,just for your information I just found out I could die!".He shouted as Chan walked out of the room.

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