[25 December,2014]

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Ages:Chan- 18 years old
          :Seungmin- 15 years old

Chan and Seungmin sighed,cuddling infront of the fire."It was early in the morning and Chan just came back from rehab.He was happy to be back,he was home to Seungmin,he still hasn't told Seungmin he has a crush on the boy but both of their parents knew.

He kissed the boy's forehead."Do...yo-ou...want,to o-op-open,your  gif-gift?"Seungmin asked and Chan nodded his head."You don't have to speak,I understand it's hard for you,so we just continue with sign language,babe".Chan said and Seungmin nodded his head.

They got up and grab their gifts,swapping them as Chan opened his first."I love it,it gorgeous".Chan said taking the ring out,he placed it on his ring finger.

Seungmin opened his gift.His eyes widened."Aunty Soyu!"Chan shouted as both parent's walked into the longue."Ohh my Chan,you shouldn't have!"Seungmin's mother shouted as she hugged the boy.

"Do you want to put them in?"Seungmin's mother asked as he nodded his head,he sighed,it was going to be his first time hearing the world,he was excited.

Chan watched as his mom slowly pushed it in Seungmin's  ear,he shivered,the feeling was definitely new to him.She put the other in before switching them on.

"Speak Chan".He said and Chan looked at him."Ohh God,I um I don't know what to say".He said and Seungmin started crying."Hi sweetie,ohh my gosh you can hear now".His mom said and he nodded his head."Hear".He said and Chan hugged him,he also was crying.

"I love you so much Seungmin".Chan whispered,kissing the boy's ear.


They were eating,Chan held Seungmin's hand."Ohh gosh,your brother and Minho are having so much fun".Somin said as she showed them the pictures."Has he slipped?"Chan asked and Somin nodded her head.

"You know his boyfriend is there to look after him".Yeshin said as she held Somin's hand.

They continued eating,Chan looking at Seungmin a few times.Seungmin smiled at Chan.Squeezing the boy's hand.


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