[22 September,2016]

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Ages:Chan:20 years old
:Seungmin:18 years old
:Jisung:16 years old
:Minho:20 years old

Chan woke up,seeing Seungmin asleep.

It was 3:30 in the morning and Seungmin's birthday.

He got out of the bed,covering himself before he walked out of the room.He walked towards the kitchen,switching on the light,noticing Minho and Jisung who were asleep on the couch,the tv on.

He decided to leave the and start off with the reason he woke up.


He looked at as he saw Minho waking up,Minho lookes at him smiling before picking Jisung up."I'll help you now,let me just put him in the bed".He said and Chan shook his head.

"Don't worry about it,I'm nearly done".Chan said and Minho nodded his head before walking towards the bedroooms.


Chan looked at the clock,5:53.He sighed,placing all the food onto the tray,cleaning up before he walked towards the dining table,setting up everything.

He saw Minho walking into kitchen."I told you,you don't have to help".Chan said as Minho walked to the dinning table with the utensils."It's the least I can do since you said that I should take both of them out while you get his dinner ready for him".Minho said and Chan nodded his head.

"What time should he be home by?"Minho asked and Chan looked at him.

"I'll message you,and come up with a lie saying that you want Jisung and yourself to go watch a movie,considering it a date".Chan said and Minho nodded his head.

"Go wake up,Jisung and let him put the candle into the cake and set up the gifts".Chan said and Minho looked at him.

"You know he is going to slip right?".Minho said and Chan shrugged his shoulders,watching as Minho walked away.

A few minutes later Chan heard footsteps as Jisung ran towards the kitchen."Hyung-ah...Minho hyung said I should do this quietly".Jisung whispered his beady eyes shining and Chan smiled,walking towards the smaller boy.

"Yes please,be quiet,MinMin is still asleep,we will wake him up just now,when out moms' are here".Chan said as he opened the box with the candles,watching as Jisung carefully placed candles in the cake.


"Hyung-ah! Can I wake him up now?"Jisung asked as he held on Chan's hand jumping up and down."Yes bubba,you can wake him up,but don't rush him since he still has to put his hearing aids in".Chan said as he felt Jisung let go of his hand.

"Be careful too!"He added as Jisung dissapeared around the corner.

A few minutes later Jisung came back,looking worried."What's wrong bubba".Chan asked as he looked at Minho.

"MinMin,he is not waking up...He nose is also bleeding".Jisung said and Chan looked at Minho,looking at his mother before running towards the room.


They were in the hospital,the doctors running a few test as Chan and the others waited outside."Stop pacing back and forth Chan,it's making me anxious".Minho said and he comforted Jisung who was sobbing silently.

The doctor walking out as he looked at them.He made Chan sit down.

"He is completely fine,we believe that he was just feeling stressed".The doctor said and Chan sighed."We believe it could be school related since he is technically in school or the stress if becoming a young adult".The doctor said and Chan nodded his head.

"He is awake and bit confused but completely healthy,you guys can take him home and well I hope he has a lovely day".The doctor said before he walked away.


"Channie,I'm fine".Seungmin said as Chan made him sit on the couch,he noticed the dinning table was set up and the cake that was there.

"Happy birthday".Chan said and he lit the candles up,picking the cake up he walked toward Seungmin,humming softly as Seungmin pulled a table close to him.

"Chan...You shouldn't have done this".He said and Chan kissed his cheek."Make a wish MinMin".Jisung said as he sat on the floor.

Watching as Seungmin closed his eyes before blowing his candle out."Happy birthday Seungmin".They all said and they smiled.


Seungmin and Jisung were outside,while Minho and Chan cleaned up."So no more dinner date for the both of You?".Minho asked and Chan shook his head.

"I think it's best if we just stayed home and watch a movie"Chan said and Minho nodded his head.

"Well,Jisung and I will stay with the both of you,but give you space".He said and Chan smiled."I hope Jisung will marry you,your such a sweet person".Chan said and Minho smiled.

"I know".He said and Chan chuckled,before they went to go join,Seungmin and Jisung.

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