Ch. 13

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Sunlight poured in from the port window . I felt the warmth tickle my bare chest as I laid flat on the bed next to Thomas. My eyelids were still heavy from staying up discussing our dreams and hope for the future. It was as if the buisness world didn't exsist and the hard facade of his simply melted away. I looked over to see him still deep asleep with his hand outreached onto my arm. For several moments I sat thinking over the trip and how things would go once we docked in America . But my nerves wouldn't allow those thoughts for long. I sat up swinging my feet over the edge of the bed before making my way to my suitcase laying on one of the chairs. From inside I pulled out a casual pencil skirt and white long sleeve blouse. My gaze turned over to Tommy as I slipped into my clothes. Watching him so peacefully gave me a sense of comfort. He was safe and content for now.

I put a pair of heels before slipping out the door to go explore and hopefully find some breakfast . It wasn't as crowded in the halls as it was last night. Everyone must be indulging in a drunken slumber. The staircase I descended sat in silence which was a huge turn from last night's events. The piano chair sat empty.

Inside the dining hall were rows and rows of tables lined with white clothes and silverware. Only a few passengers sat staggered in the seats. Waiters bounced back and forth refilling drinks and bringing out trays of breakfast foods.

"Ms Weathers is it?" A voice rang from one of the tables.

I looked to see a tall slender man with olive skin and glasses . His hair was slick back and his table was empty other than his plate of food and a few stray papers.

"Would you please join me?" He asked

"Oh , um . Of course." I took a seat across from him trying to steal a glance at the paperwork.

"I'm Ronald Finch. The lawyer your-" he paused for a moment "your boss hired to make the contract you signed."

"Oh, did he bring it to you?"

"Not yet . But I'm guessing you signed it, he said you would."

"Bold of him to assume I'd oblige." I sat back crossing my arms over my chest.

He let out a soft chuckle before taking a bite of his omelet and shaking his head.

"It seems that Mr. Shelby knows you quite well. And he speaks very very highly of you. He's a good man."

"You got all that from one meeting with him?"

"Yes. And you must believe it too considering you share a room with him. Correct ?"

Blush rose to my cheeks as I looked away from the table, "Thats none of your concern."

"My apologies , I'm just attempting to make small talk." He cleared his throat, "So have you been to America ?"

"Yes, I'm from America."

"Oh wow. That's fascinating. Tell me, how did you get caught up with the Shelbys all the way in Birmingham if you are from America."

"I left the country for .. personal reasons. Mr. Shelby was kind enough to give me a job. What is your interest in America? Why are you going?"

"I work for a company who is in some hot water legally with an American corporation. I'm headed there now to meet with their CEO."

"May i ask the company name?"

"You may not. Private matters."

"Like me sharing a bed with Mr. Shelby?" I raised an eyebrow.

He laughed patting a napkin to his lips, "You are something, Ms. Weathers. I see why Thomas likes you."

I reached into my handbag pulling out the ciggerate box Thomas usually keeps in his coat pocket. I stuck it between my lips and lit it before looking around slightly.

Mr Finch scoffed at me but did not mention my smoking . I figured he was scared of the repercussions.

A waiter came by our table dropping off a cup of coffee and plate of food infront of me. The plate was piled high with pancakes and fruit. It had been ages since I'd had pancakes and these looked absolutely delicious.

"Good morning Mr. Shelby." Finch looked over my shoulder.

"Morning." Thomas reached out snatching the ciggerate from between my lips and placed it in his. He took a long draw of smoke before sitting beside me.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Better than I have in awhile. Finally slept through the night."

"I'm glad . I figured you may want to rest longer so I didn't wake you ."

"I didn't enjoy waking up to an empty bed and a stolen ciggerate carton."

"It wasn't stolen, simply borrowed." I rolled my eyes .

He let out a low chuckle before scanning the plate in front of him. Looking over his expression I felt a wash of relief fall over me. Not only did he appear well rested but he genuinely seemed to be in a good mood. I seldom seen Tommy's authentic smile and almost never was it directed at me. The morning after I saved his life was the only time I had been given that look and even then I didn't believe it was sincere.

We all sat quietly for a few moments and ate on the breakfast plates in-front of us. Soon the men began taking business and I tried to tone it out. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy this line of work I just didn't enjoy hearing about it as much as Thomas did. He could talk for hours about money and horses.

"You know I've never been on a horse." I cut into their conversation.

Finch looked annoyed by me speaking out of turn but knew better than to correct me.

Thomas looked over giving me a soft grin, " I own many so I can fix that when we return to Birmingham."

"I would love that. I'd like to finally see your stables Polly talks about. She makes it out to be the gates of Heaven." I giggled.

"You doubt?"

"I don't. I've just only seen your office and it's not comparable too paradise"

"That's because you were distracted Ms. Weathers. As I feel you will be in my house as well." He sipped on his coffee.

I nudged his leg gently under the table as the blush began rising to my cheeks.


After breakfast Thomas wanted us to walk around the deck and look at the waves. From higher up they looked a lot calmer than what we watched from our bedroom window. He reached over taking my hand in his before intertwining our fingers. It caught me off guard at first but soon I rested into his touch. Others on the deck watched us as we passed , looking us up and down taking in the details. I wasn't sure if they knew who Thomas was or if they were just people watching. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would and I felt like Thomas's confidence was the reason behind it.

We slowed at the front of the ship next to the railing and looked over at the horizon. It was bright and beautiful. The wind wrapped around us with a sea mist grazing ever so often. I held tight to the bar and leaned back onto Thomas who was starring into the distance. His body held tight against me but he was still relaxed.

"Is my job the only reason you brought me?" I asked.


"Is it because you wanted company?"

"Not in particularly. If all I wanted was a woman's embrace I would've found one after I got onto the ship."

I shivered at the thought. Jealousy tugged at my skin but I quickly brushed it away.

"I brought you because I wanted you by my side. I didn't want to leave you and out of everyone I could have as a business partner and a-" he stopped for a second, "I just wanted you here with me. I can keep you safe, Emilia."

I nodded in understanding. I could tell he had more to say but I didn't want to pry. Anything I'd want to hear he would eventually tell me, I could tell by the way he shifted when we talked. The way his eyes softened and the way his breaths came in quick burst, Thomas was beginning to feel stronger than he anticipated. Somehow I had picked away at his outer shell and although I wanted to be safe and distant , I was loving every rugged part that I unveiled.

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