Ch. 17

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*slight nsfw warning*

Over the past few days tension seemed to die down. Buisness was pushed aside for now since Adonis had all but forced Thomas into a contract with him and him only. So instead of meeting with more potential buisness partners , we spent most of our time downtown enjoying each other's company. I showed Tommy a few locally owned restaurants,  including one of my favorite sandwich shops , and then we'd go for afternoon strolls near Central Park. Surprisingly,  he spent most of the afternoons completely sober. When I pointed it out late one evening as we returned to the hotel he just shook it off stating, "You are the only thing I want to be drunk on, Ms. Weathers."

We discussed the garden near his home and what I would be planting shortly after our arrival. He didn't seem too keen on getting his hands dirty.

"Let's go to the pool hall tonight . You can try some true American beer." I laughed looking at my reflection in the hotel mirror. With several minutes of patience I had placed my earrings in each ear and lined my lips waiting on a response.

"Is it crowded?" Tommy didn't look over , he just continued to puff away at his ciggerate.

"Usually. Lots of businessmen and lots of women. I figured one of those things would interest you."

"Neither , really. " He sighed "But I would be happy to tag along if you want to go."

Thomas hadn't protested any of my ideas so far. I wasn't sure if I was pleased or concerned , considering it was completely out of character. I was beginning to wonder if this was his way of apologizing for everything that happened when we arrived or if he was planning to be this generous all along. Finally I settled with it being both .

We started out to the pool hall just as the sun was dawning over the horizon. The lights among the city danced around us, seemingly pulling us further in. I couldn't help but notice the glistening inside Tommy's eyes as he marveled at the scenes around us. His harsh exterior always seemed to fade when he was with me.

The pool hall was just as lively as I had remembered it. Live music playing from the front setting the joyous mood all the way into the lounge. People danced in every corner and drink trays were being passed around with fancy cocktails and craft beers. The entire place held a certain nostalgia that lingered as we made our way to a booth in the back. I noticed that Tommy's mood had shifted , his harsh tone being reset. It was like even here his reputation was being watched in every direction. But still I enjoyed every side of Thomas, even his cold demeanor at times.

"Did you know he'd be here?" I could see his jaw tighten slightly

"Who ?" I looked around us . It didn't take long before my gaze settled on the red-hair across the room. Adonis sat with his colleagues in a rounded booth, cigars hanging from each of their lips. Women stuck close , chatting and giggling . One of them sat caressing Adonis on the shoulder and whispering to him every so often.

"I didn't know or we wouldn't be here."

"Obviously not. Maybe think of all of the places he brought you and make that a priority of where we shouldn't go. Huh, Emilia?"

My blood ran cold. I knew Thomas was upset but i didn't expect such a reaction out of him. Especially for something that was out of my control.

"Fuckin hell. I need a drink." He waived a waiter down taking a glass off of the tray as he passed, "Are you going to have anything ?"

"I'm fine, thank you. One of us needs to be sober enough to find our way back to the hotel."

"That's what your worried about? Not the squint eyed cunt staring a hole into your head?"

"He's not paying us any attention, Tommy. Your getting worked up over nothing." But when I turned back to look over at the booth once more, Thomas was right. Adonis wasn't paying much attention to the woman anymore and his eyes laid on me. I thought after a few moments he may turn and look away or even steal a glimpse of Thomas , but he didn't falter.

"Do you want a drink , Emilia?" Tommy's voice rang out over the music and chatter of the crowd. It sounded more like a command then a question.

"Fine. Yes , Tommy I'll have a fucking drink with you."

I waited for him to flag another waiter down or get up and walk to the bar , but instead he turned up the glass that lay infront of him pressing it hard against his lips.

I scoffed rolling my eyes slightly at his movements. But before I could turn away his hand reached up grasping my face carefully . He tilted my head back from my chin and leaned closely pressing our lips together. Whiskey poured through his mouth and into mine , pooling onto my tongue. I didn't know what tasted better,  his drink or him.

I swallowed softly allowing the liquid to burn over my throat all the way down. My lips never parted from his until every drop dissipated. He pulled his face back just enough to where he could look into my eyes and study my expression.

"Judging from how eager you were to take that , I assume you aren't too mad at me." His free hand slid across my hip before gripping tight.

"Are you putting on a show , Mr. Shelby?"

"Only for myself. Watching the way you react to my touch is entertainment enough." The edges of his lips tugged upwards into a smirk as his voice lowered, "watching you try to hold your composure."

"I think I'm doing quite well, considering."

"Good. Because I'm far from finished."

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