41: Dear Brother...

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Anguisa returned to Fang with Raya later that say and she said, "Your majesty, I know all of this seems to tumble on you like an earthquake causing a building to collapse but trust me, it is not going to be anything tedious. As queen, it will just be your duty to converse with the leaders of Kumandra to ensure all is going smoothly and you should only be consulted when absolutely necessary."

"But that also means that if any problems arise, the decisions are up to me?" asked Raya.

"You give the go-ahead to anything the other lands would want to execute. It will not be just you, but it will be all of you as a team working together to make the best choices." replied Anguisa.

"That- that's a relief."

"Mhm...but you'll still need to learn how to use your new powers. We will practice after your coronation tomorrow." said Anguisa.

"Isn't there a way for me to...not have powers?" asked Raya.

"Nonsense, your majesty. Great events of your time in the distant future will depend on them. The reason you have been blessed with them is so that you use them to defend your home from attacks. But you should get used to them and see them as a part of you you'll use daily. Do not fear your own powers because you're in control." explained Anguia.

"I hope I won't...struggle." 

"It won't be easy but Raya, you're resilient. You're not a quitter and I have all confidence that you will master them in no time." 

"Thank you Anguisa."

"Anytime, my queen. Well, spend as much time with your friends and family as you wish because tomorrow at dawn, I'll come for you as the dragons prepare you for the ceremony late noon."

"But- what about Heart? I wanted to go home and... get ready."

"You'll be fine. As a bonus, you can carry 1 person with you if that makes you more comfortable."

Raya smiled to herself as she thought about Namaari. "I think I know who I'd like to go with me."

"Your girlfriend?"

"Yeah... How'd you guess?"

"I can feel your strong emotions."

That made Raya think for a moment. If she and Namaari are making love will she be able to-



"You feel...everything that I feel?"

"No, not everything. Just the major emotions. Joy, sadness, anger, pain, love..."


"Yes. Love. Your desire for anyone who you truly love. And I know you're probably thinking that I know when you are both in private doing whatever. Don't worry about that, I won't know unless you tell me."

Raya breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank goodness."

She shared a laugh with Anguisa  and they landed in Fang's garden where Vashi was. Raya went into his embrace and he said, "I still can't believe so much happened to you, sis. I'm a proud brother."

Raya giggled and said, "Thank you Vashi."

Vashi smiled at Anguisa and then bowed. Anguisa returned the smile and said, "Remember Raya, bright and early at the break of dawn."

"I will, thank you Anguisa."

"Always a pleasure, your highness." Anguisa flew away and Vashi said, "What is she talking about?"

"The dragons will prepare me for my coronation. And I can only bring one person." replied Raya.

"Namaari right?"

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