CHAPTER 6 (My sacrifice for us)

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"Now we'll look into the pre-colonial systems in Africa starting from Nigeria........" Haliath couldn't concentrate, she ran to the restroom and vomited, she washed her face and came out,

"Geeze" she almost screamed but softly

"What's wrong with you?" Anthony said in concern and held her face softly "you're ok?" Anthony sighed and stopped checking her, but still kept his concerned look "I saw you run out of you're alright?" Haliath nodded

"I'm just feeling abit sick"she talked calmly

"Sorry....have you eaten?" She nodded in the nagative, Anthony pushed her waist calmly and helped her to the cafeteria, he bought her food and feed her, then gave her medicine, she rested her head on the table while he pat her hair gently, she stared at him

"I'll miss you alot Anthony" he paused, Haliath's eyes became watery even though she was smiling

"I'm never gonna leave you.... I'm just going to college, it's just one year and you'll join I, Yann and Swiss in college" Haliath smiled and nodded, Anthony moved closer to her "we'll always meet..... I'm not staying inside college cos of my company....nd most especially you...." Haliath chuckled "So don't worry, I, Yann and Swiss will rent an apartment outside college..... You can come visit" Haliath smiled and laughed

"That's releaving to hear" Anthony looked from her, then around, then kissed her, Haliath smiled and bent her face to the table to cover it, she laughed "you're something else Anthony" she said calmly, Anthony laughed and licked his lip

"I need to go to class now.... You seem sleepy now, the pain killers is working" he checked her fore head and nodded before getting up "I'll come soon ok" Haliath nodded and closed her eyes, Anthony chuckled and walked out of the canteen.
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"Haliath vomited frequently now, she barely had strength to work her part-time jobs, she usually had big appetite and Swiss thought her getting fatter, her sickness wasn't reducing with just malaria drugs, so Swiss advised her to take a test

"Anthony can I talk to you for a sec?...." Haliath said with a calm voice, Anthony looked at the others, they were practicing in the music hall

"Guys..... I'll be back" he said and held her hand, he stared at her "you're ok?" He whispered "let's go" they both walked to a corner far up "what's wrong?" Haliath started crying, but not so the others would hear, she looked away tensed, hands in waist "love.... what's wrong?...... Why are you....."

"Never mind" she said and ran out, Anthony followed her, Haliath's strength couldn't carry her far or fast, she stopped to breath, Anthony caught up with her and held her hand

"What's wrong Haliath?.....tell me now" Haliath was panting real hard, she let the tears flow freely and easily, she stood upright and looked away, then back at Anthony, this time eye to eye

"Do you really love me Anthony?" Anthony frowned, what could have brought the question, he sighed releasing his face, then he held her waist and moved closer to her, he stared at her eyes

"I love you so much Haliath..... More than words can describe"

"Are you sure?" Haliath said getting relaxed

"Yes, hundred percent sure"

"Will you do anything for me?" Anthony became anxious

"Yes.....of course"

"You're sure?"

"Yes..... what's going on?..... what's with the questions?......"

"Even if I'm preg..... nant?" Anthony paused, Haliath covered her mouth with her hand, she moved backwards abit then stopped and dropped her hand "I'm pregnant Anthony".
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Haliath cried silently, Swiss consoled her, Anthony stared at the ground while Yann consoled him, they were all in Anthony's house, Yann helped Anthony up to the house bar, Anthony sat on one of the chair in the house bar

"How could you do such a thing?"

"I was drunk" Anthony tried defending himself

"And the second time?" Anthony looked away

"I was carried away...." Anthony looked back at Yann "she wore a body hugging gown with jacket, she let her hair down...."

"You were on a date.....what did you expect her to wear? less?"

"I couldn't control myself..... She was too irresistible..... Nd she acted cute..... I......"

"She's only fourteen for crying out loud....nd you're eighteen.....I haven't even slept with Swiss, nd she's sixteen, nd I'm eighteen..... This is child abuse Anthony...... " Anthony held his head "the fact that she was promoted twice shouldn't be an excuse to forget her age"

"I'm sorry" Anthony said almost crying

"Not me..... Haliath.... You have practically damaged her life... We all know Haliath, sure won't dare abort.....nd even if she wanted to,I know you won't let it happen.....but what if she dies while trying to give birth, she'll have to leave school because of her pregnancy, she has no place to go cos if she comes here and your dad finds're dead" Anthony fell on the floor, he was sweating profusely and shaking in fear, what had he done?, he just destroyed Haliath's life,

"I would leave" Anthony, Yann and Swiss turned to Haliath who was now calm although her face was still swollen and her eyes still red

"What do you mean?" Anthony asked

"I have told a friend in the restaurant....she let me live with her, I am fine as long as you come visit from time to time" Haliath walked to Anthony and squatted, they stared at each other for awhile, then Anthony started crying, he looked away and bent his head, he was too ashamed to look at her "I know if not for your father you could have let me stay.... nd I know you regret everything......"

"I can get a house for you to stay"

"Your dad watches your every move know your dad supervises your account" Anthony scattered his hair, he cried like a baby on hearing what Swiss said

"I'm sorry Haliath......I'm so so so so sorry" Haliath knelt and hugged him

"I won't come to school from tomorrow" she released and looked at him "come visit often ok.....I'll send the address" Anthony held her hand and stared from them to her face

"I'll bring you from stuffs and drink"

"But your father......"

"My father would only scold me for using so much money on such things...nd that's if he finds out....." Haliath wanted to resist and turn down the offer but " I love you Haliath.....if I don't do something for you I'll not be at rest" Haliath let the tears flow, she chuckled and stood upright, looked at Yann and Swiss, hugged them , before walking out of the house.

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What would you do if it were you, let me know in the comments😜🤔👍...don't forget to like and follow❤️💜

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