CHAPTER 16 (Noticed)

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"Hey.....I'm in love with your mum" Mylia's eyes widened "you can stop acting surprised......I know you know" Mylia released herself and laughed then, then looked at him smiling, Anthony moved closer to her "'ll be nice if I was your dad right?" Mylia smiled and nodded excitedly, Anthony was happy "you really like me you know?" Mylia laughed and nodded "you'll have to help me then" Anthony said in a whisper, Mylia's eyes widened, he signalled her to bring her ears closer to him and she did and nodded calmly as he talked.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Hello everyone, it's the only concert that happens in the center of the city again.... CENTER CET....." there was loud cheers as the host talked "and we're having very united, loved and popular entertainers.....…
and......" the shouts increased, Anthony stared at the crowd through the back stage smiling, he walked to meet the rest, they all were finally dressed in their actual costume, he signalled them to come closer

"You guys are ready?" Swiss, Yann, and Mylia nodded smiling

".........we are starting with YAS and Mylia" people brought out boards and signs of 'heart' and 'i love you guys' and 'you Rock', while others threw flowers, there were shouts everywhere, Anthony sighed, there where up to twenty million people in the concert

"Let's blow their minds" he said to the rest and they ran inside the stage and started performing
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

They had already gone home, Haliath was cooking, she sighed as she remembered Anthony while they were leaving

FLASHBACK: Haliath helped Mylia put her things inside the car, Mylia was sleeping at the back sit when Anthony called her

"Haliath wait up" she turned to see Anthony walking hurriedly towards her, she smiled, he did the same but released himself almost immediately, he stoped rushing and walked to her gently "you're leaving?....already?" Haliath nodded, Anthony stared directly at her big cute eyes "when are we gonna see again?....
I'll miss you, you know?"
Back: Haliath Shaked her head to n the negative to clear her mind, she really missed him, although they didn't talk much, seeing him smile and laugh at others was enough for her, his handsomeness in high school was nothing compared to now, she chuckled at the thought, just then Mylia walked in and sat on the kitchen chair, placing her hand on the table and viewing

"Mum do you know I've become really popular not just in school but around the country, modelling companies are calling me, including LABEDA FASHION HOUSE.......isn't it amazing....." Mylia caught her mum lost in the thought "mum, mum.......mum" she shouted the last time and haliath finally jerked and looked at her who pointed at the food on the fire, Haliath turned

"Oh my God" she said and quickly put off the cooker, the food had burnt, Haliath sighed and turned to Mylia looking sad

"Thinking of Anthony?" Haliath nodded unconsciously then she realized and quickly denied it

"No, no, no, no,'s a......."

"You don't need to lie to me mum" Haliath sighed again "so tell me...." Mylia adjusted "what did you want to tell me about antho......I"

"Well....." Haliath paused and stared at Mylia surprised, Mylia bit her lip "how did you....." Mylia looked away, Haliath became angry "explain yourself"

"Ok fine I knew" Mylia confessed

"What?" Haliath said feeling hurt

"I heard.....I heard what you said to Anthony when you were scolding him to stay away from me and not hurt fact, that's why I was mad at you..........
you could have just told me" Mylia wiped her tears and looked away, Haliath walked to her and hugged her

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