CHAPTER 13 (Another truth)

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Anthony searched for Haliath in the club but she was not there, he was sure she said he could come, it was noon but looked night inside the club although there were very few 'customers', he summoned courage and walked to meet the woman who acted like the boss shouting at the workers

"Good day ma" the woman was to also shout at him but paused and smiled

"Hey handsome, care for anything?"

"Oh it's nothing....I just....." He looked away then laughed "I'm looking for a lady..... Haliath" the woman looked at him suspicious

"Do you two have an appointment?"

"Yes...yes she said I should come tonight"

"TONIGHT" the woman emphasized and smiled "finally she agreed to be useful" the woman said scrutinizing Anthony "'re worth compromising, and you look very familiar to a tv star" Anthony smiled, he knew she wouldn't remember him or recognize him as long as the lights were club lights "anyways...
she's inside her room, by the left, then the fourth room you see is hers"

"Oh thanks" Anthony was to leave but the woman held him back "ma?" He said wondering what else she wanted to say

"Payment before service" Anthony felt anger but calm down, he brought out some money and handed it to her, she was surprised to see such amount of money, she took it greedily and smiled at him "you won't be disappointed" Anthony was to scold her for saying that and telling her it's not what she was thinking that he was there for, but Haliath was waiting for him, he rolled his eyes and walked away
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Anthony knocked, Haliath who was reading covered her note and walked to open the door, when she saw it was him she sighed and walked back to continue reading, Anthony sat on the bed since she was sitting in the only available sit, he observed the room, it didn't look too plane, he also noticed she was not surprised or anxious to know how he found her location, he saw alot of her pictures and that of Mylia, she had a very good fashion sense and passed it to Mylia also, he chuckled, Haliath sighed when she was sure she had read enough and turned to face Anthony

"So let's start with what you wanna ask me" Anthony stared at her, she looked beautiful, she was beautiful, he thought "Anthony" Haliath shouted Abit Anthony jerked in shock "your question?" she asked

"Oh..." Anthony didn't know what to ask first, he had so many questions but didn't know we're to start or if she would answer them he coughed and cleared his throat "how did you start working in a club?" Haliath stared at him

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FLASHBACK: "I could help you" the guy said, Haliath looked at him with tears in her eyes, she walked to him and held his shirt

"The only thing you can help me do is explain to my boyfriend that nothing happened between us that night....." Haliath released him crying "I cant live without least not anymore, this baby is he's" Haliath sat in her chair and cried bitterly, then the man got up and arranged himself, dusting and clearing himself, he looked at her

"Don't cry for long, sleep tight and go see him tomorrow at least, he's just devastated.....that's all, that's what my girlfriend didn't do for me, instead she left me without explaining things to me......nd if it didn't work out for you....." the man put his card on the table "call me" he said and walked away as Haliath just cried her heart out.
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Haliath had searched everywhere, she checked his house and even sneaked inside school, she also checked the campus Anthony said he would go, but she was told there was no one like that in the campus, she tried calling Swiss and Yann but Yann didn't pick at all while Swiss made her know she was disappointed in her before cutting the call without letting her explain, Haliath had lost hope, but then she remembered the guy, she quickly got the card and failed the number in it, she had taken a whole two weeks searching for Anthony and she was done crying, she decided to move on, the person picked the call

Heartcome जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें