CHAPTER 5 (Fight for Haliath)

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"Anthony are you in?" Haliath called out from outside, she knocked for awhile, Anthony could hear her sigh and walk away, he tightened his first, he was so angry, he looked away, then in annoyance walked to his room, Mrs clement signalled Nannsi to follow him in, although reluctant, Nannsi had to comply, her father needed the Clements' family, he needed to bring his company to the surface at least since they had been bankrupted, she sighed and got up, then followed Anthony, but she was to enter the room when Anthony shut the door hard against her, he walked to the window, he saw Haliath walking out of the compound, she had carried a lot there, he could see the bags in hey hands, he remembered telling her to cook for him

"Haliath" he shouted to her, Haliath turned at the sound of her name, he waved at her, she tried waving back but the bags wouldn't let her s she just smiled, she raised two brow implying if she should come in, Anthony couldn't let her go with so much load, and he promised he would wait for her, he had not been with her for awhile since he was settling the so called 'marriage' issue in his father's house, he signalled her too wait there and ran downstairs, he saw Mrs Clement and Nannsi who stopped talking and stared at him as he came down, he paused and looked at them, he looked at Nannsi "you're pretty......" Nannsi blushed "nd rich too....." Nannsi looked at him "I love the fact that you're doing this for your family.......but girls like you shouldn't run after will only bring you think our marriage life will be perfect?....."Anthony chuckled, then gave a warning look "I'll beat you day and night, everyday, I'll beat you so much that even your parents won't recognize you.....nd in less than three months...... I'll kill you" Nannsi gasped

"Anthony" Mrs Clement screamed, he looked at her

"If you want to stay here.... Keep quiet" Anthony said and ran out


"Hey" Anthony replied Haliath and helped her carry the bags "you cooked alot" Anthony said smiling

"Why didn't you open when I knocked?" Anthony stared at her, she will probably see them, he sighed

"My mom and Nannsi are here" Anthony could see Haliath mood change

"Oh..... Nannsi is your wife-to-be......her name's pretty" Anthony sighed, he walked to the pool and dropped the bags on the executive table front of it, he turned to her and spread his hands open for her to hug him, she walked to him and hugged him, he pat her hair

"I already told you countless times...... You're for me......nd I'm for you...... Nannsi is not even interested in me, she's doing this because her dad needs the money......" Haliath closed her eyes then released them Abit "once I offer her a bit of it..... She'll go away.......pretty girls like her aren't usually single at this age" Haliath looked at Anthony "not like she's prettier than you though" Haliath smiled cutely, Anthony laughed and released her, he helped her carry the bags inside the house "don't greet any of them" Anthony said when he saw Haliath was about to greet the two of them, they at the table and the aroma of the food filled the air, Anthony inhaled and then smiled at Haliath who blushed "shall we" he said and helped her to sit, he smiled starting at her, he knew she was uncomfortable, he held her hand which was shaking, she looked at him

"I think I have a part-time job at this time"

"It's don't have any part-time job on Sundays" Haliath bit her lower lip, Anthony's mom walked up to them

"I know you're doing this because your father isn't here" Haliath was to stand up but Anthony held her tighter, she was sweating already "what a naive girl..... How old are you?"


"Non of your business" Anthony answered for Haliath who could barely speak

"Fine...... I guess I'll have to wait for you to get to you senses" Anthony laughed

"If you think me been in love with Haliath is crazy......then I don't want to be sane" Haliath just stared at Anthony for awhile, then she blushed, how embarrassing, in a tensed situation like this

"Well then.....let's go" Mrs Clement said and walked away, Nannsi and Anthony stared at eachother for awhile until she left the house, Anthony exhaled, he looked at Haliath who tried hiding her face, she blushed so hard, Anthony walked closer to her and helped her up, she smiled

"You're pretty when you blush"

"I'm not......" Haliath looked at him, then away, she laughed

"You like what I said?" Haliath nodded and pressed her lip against eachother then released it

"Thank you" she whispered

"You're welcome" Haliath licked her lip, she wanted to eat now, but he was standing right in front of her, she thought licking her lips would make him know she needed to eat, she looked very beautiful , he was indeed lucky, Anthony thought, he stared at her lip,then came closer, he held her waist to himself and kissed her, Haliath couldn't release herself, the more she tried, the harder he kissed her, then she finally gave in, he carried her upstairs to his room.

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