CHAPTER 14 (Anthony's rejection)

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BACK: "So....that's how I started working permanently in this club" Haliath said, Anthony stared at her

"And you started waring trousers because?" Haliath was silent, she knew how much Anthony hated girls waring trousers, he had made her throw all her trousers and replaced them with very pretty expensive skirts

"I hate it when people stare at my lap" Anthony was calmer now

"That's not an excuse to ware trousers, there are pretty skirts you can ware, even long gowns" Haliath looked away

"It's my life now...." She looked at him "in not indebted  to anyone" Haliath said reassuringly


"Anthony?" Haliath looked at Anthony as she called his name and cut him from saying anything, he kept quiet and stared at her "Mylia never cares if she had a father or not....." Anthony felt his heart crumble "she never asked or behaved like she wanted to know......maybe cos she saw how I've copped with my life.....but, she never wanted to know" Haliath looked away and then back at Anthony "I didn't explain to you about Mylia because I wanted you to pity me or feel guilty....or even have feelings for me....I can care for myself and Mylia, I've been doing that for twelve good years.... since I was fifteen, you don't have to start trying now...." Haliath held back the tears "my daughter has a dream she's pursuing right now......pls don't hurt her feelings anymore, she's mad at me cos I scolded you...she likes you....but even if I let you see her and stay with her, u don't want you to be too close with my daughter" Anthony bent his head and cried silently but his sobbing gave him away, Haliath looked away and wiped her tears , then after awhile she looked at him "so what did you want to tell me?" Anthony cried a little bit more as Haliath watched him, then raised his head to look at her, he stood and walked up to her then squatted so she could look down at him, he held her hand

"I'm sorry I didn't listen or belive you that day" Haliath smiled and nodded "when I saw you at my concert....I felt so o.......... Haliath I've missed you ever since we broke rule" Haliath looked away,  She tried to hold her tears which forced themselves out making her eyes red and teary "I've always loved you" that was it, she Ben her head and covered her face to cry "don't you remember what I've always told you back in school?.....I can't love someone've been in my heart since I set my eyes on you till date Haliath....I acted naughty cause I saw you no longer cared about us even when I I acted I felt the same way cause I thought you were the one who hurt me so you should be the miserable one not calm and happy, unlike me who thought of you all the time" Anthony looked away and then back at Haliath "I'm sorry for everything....nd I wish you could take me back....but I guess....I guess I'm....I guess I'm too late" he bent his head and sobbed hard as the tears flowed freely "I'm sorry" he said and walked away crying

"Oh God!..... oh my God!!" Haliath kept in saying as she cried her heart out

"So quick?" Annabel said as she saw Anthony walk quickly downstairs, but he just ran pass her covering his mouth with tears rushing down his eyes, Anna El ran to meet Haliath but, she entered the room and saw Haliath crying bitterly and screaming, she ran to console her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Anthony got home late feeling weak, he knocked his door continuously unconsciously, Yann heard and walked out of his room to see who it was

"Whose that?... Anthony isn't aroun...." Yann said as he cleaned his sleepy eyes, he then looked closely at the person who had now started crying, he walked closer "Anthony?..." Anthony sat on the floor and cried silently, Yann ran to him and helped him up "Anthony...why're you crying?what's wrong?" Yann asked as he helped Anthony inside Anthony's room, Anthony covered his face as he sat the bed

"She said she can't take me back..."he said as he sobbed, Yann squatted in front of Anthony

"You went to see Haliath?" Anthony nodded  

"The baby....Mylia......" Anthony said still crying "she's mine....Mylia's my child.....nd all I've been hating Haliath for are all lies....they're not true at all....
they're......" Anthony cried even more as Yann pet him

"You should rest....let's talk tomorrow" Anthony released himself

"I don't think I can....I can't....I don't think I can sleep....I can't..."

"Don't worry.....don't worry I'll sleep here with you, ok?" Anthony nodded, then Yann walked to the other side of the bed and helped Anthony lie down before doing the same and patting Anthony who was still sobing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was four weeks now that Mylia was here, she no longer talked with anybody and it was obvious she didn't like staying there anymore, Anthony also barely talked with anyone and preferred to answer question directly without extra chat, the producers (crew) noticed Mylia and asked their manager to talk with Swiss about it.

Swiss was resting after she had eaten when Mr Mike, YAS manager came to her

"Hi, what's up" she said smiling

" are you?" Swiss nodded positively "uhm...." Swiss stared at him "I know you should have noticed Mylia by now....but we're all too concerned now than ever...." Swiss sighed "the concert is two weeks time.....we need her lively self back or else she'll be faking everything and it won't move the know there has to be chemistry......we barely make daily videos for the countdown show cos she no longer talks to anyone or smile like she normally does.....
it's so unlike her....I think you should talk to her mum" Swiss sighed

"I noticed it indeed......I'll talk to Haliath" Swiss said and smiled

"Please'll help" mike said and walked away, Swiss knew she had to talk to Haliath, she hoped this time she wouldn't run away feeling guilty, she rested her head on the table, she planned on talking with Haliath after Mylia had eaten.

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