CHAPTER 15 (Making up)

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Haliath stared at Mylia feeling hurt, Mylia didn't talk nor greet her, she just ate, Mylia finished her food silently, she was to go back to continue practicing when Haliath held her back

"I'll tell you about your father when we get home" Mylia looked surprised, but a little, Haliath's eyes became teary "so pls can you at least smile....I'm coming from the club and feeling and look sad,  you should at least ask but you didn't....... then I asked if you were well but you didn't answer me....."

"If I said no what would you do" Haliath released Mylia and stared at her for awhile, then got up and  walked away crying silently, Anthony, Yann and Swiss were coming from their practice,
but then Anthony paused as he saw Haliath, Yann did the same, but Swiss just sighed and ran after her


"Hey" Haliath said blinking severally then smiled

"Um....I just wanted to talk about Mylia" Haliath looked more interested after hearing her daughter's name "she's too down......"

"She doesn't talk to me either....." Haliath said cutting Swiss short in her words "she doesn't even smile at me or talk to I suggest you guys let her be for awhile, just be nice to her.....that's all" Swiss nodded and smiled, she wanted to talk more but the look in Haliath face was not so good

"Thanks .....bye"

"Bye" Haliath said and entered her car then zoomed off
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Mylia wondered what Haliath wanted to say about Anthony, 'or could it be she wanted to tell her her father was actually anthony' Mylia just had to be calm until the whole thing was done.
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Haliath watched her daughter eat, she smiled, it was less than twenty-three hours before the concert, she sat and sighed, her daughter was going to be singing with Anthony, she had always wanted to sing with Anthony while they were still dating at high school, she chuckled, who could have thought they would ever breakup.

Mylia finished her food and without smiling or commenting walked away, Haliath pressed her lip and walked out, she was about to enter her car when she heard someone sobbing calmly, she walked slowly to the side of the building

"Anthony?" She moved closer as Anthony stoped and cleaned his tears, he looked at her and smiled but almost immediately looked away to clean his eyes properly, she stood upright and stared down at him

"You scared me" he said still cleaning his eyes, she raised a brow

"Really!......nd you didn't even flinch" he looked at her

"That's cos I heard your voice" they both stared at eachother for awhile, then Haliath broke the stare

"Well.....I'm sorry"

"Apology not accepted"

"You know I don't care"

"You have to stay for awhile before I accept your apology"

"Just say I should 'pls' keep you company" Anthony chuckled, then after awhile

"Ok fine....Haliath pls keep me company" Haliath laughed and looked away and back at him then sat by him on the chair, she just looked straight, she could feel Anthony staring hard at her, she turned to look at him but he still stared deeply at her, Haliath thought he was reading her every thought or observing her face carefully

"You're staring at me Anthony" she said calmly but looked away seeing he wasn't even listening, Anthony stared at her for awhile and looked straight, she sighed "why were you crying?" Anthony smiled then chuckled without looking at her, Haliath looked at him "you don't wanna tell me?" Anthony looked at her

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