CHAPTER 19(Finally the end)

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then Anthony shot the door against her

"Anthony" Yann called out, Mylia and Haliath both looked like time had stoped for the both of them, they both stared at Anthony's door crying
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Anthony opened the door with the necklace in his hand, Haliath and Mylia just stared at him, he helped her wear the necklace then looked at her, she had worn one of the gowns he bought for her

"You're beautiful Haliath" Haliath just cried, he helped her wipe her tears "too beautiful to cry...." Anthony was still crying "I'm the on who caused you pain..... why're you the one crying like should punish me not cry Haliath......I'm the one who should be telling you I love you.....why do you always bare the pain you don't deserve?" Haliath cried and looked down, it had been long since he was this close to her, she held his shirt and rested her head on him, Swiss and Mylia found themselves in tears while Yann calmed them, Haliath looked at Anthony in the eyes

"You shouldn't have left me at shouldn't.....I couldn't stop thinking about you......I....." They both cried "I couldn't......"

"Me too....."Anthony said and kissed her, he held her tightly to himself "I'm sorry" Haliath wrapped her hands round his neck and kissed him back, Yann hugged Mylia and Swiss, Haliath and Anthony released each other and smiled

"I love you" they both said in union, Haliath blushed, Mylia released herself

"Mum, dad" she said and ran to hug them, they hugged her back, Swiss and Yann didn't know what to do but watch, the three released each other, Haliath turned to Swiss and Yann, it was then she realized Yann had been crying, Swiss now cried loud

"Haliath I'm so sorry.....I didn't mean to run....I was drunk.....I...." Haliath ran to hug her as they both cried aloud "I missed you"

"Same here" Swiss cried childishly then Yann wiped his tears, Swiss and Haliath released each other, Haliath looked at Yann "although I never thought we'll ever be separated......" Yann looked away not being able to control his tears "Yann?....." She called his name so calmly but he tried keeping his calm "Yann?....." He wiped his tears "Yann?..." Yann burst out crying, he didn't still look at her, she hugged him

"I'm so sorry" he said and hugged her back, Haliath nodded, they released each other

"Now that it's certified that the great leader of YAS group is my dad.....I have to start waring black mask and hat like popular celebs right?" Mylia said, they all laughed, Anthony stared at Haliath then walked to her and kissed her, he slowly caressed her "parental guidance rated 20 please" Mylia said closing her eyes, they all laughed, Anthony released Haliath and kept smiling as he stared at her then he kissed her again, Yann and Swiss took Mylia down stairs.
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               THE END💖🤗😆

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