CHAPTER 12 (What happened in our 12 years of separation, the truth)

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Haliath chuckled, so he's not even married and he's already making out with Nannsi, Haliath thought, she waited for Anthony to put at least his shirt on, Swiss just turned to face Yann and hugged her "I don't care who you marry or how you feel about me or you, I don't care if you see me as the worst human ever.....but don't you ever dare to talk to my daughter rudely let alone insult her" Haliath said angrily at Anthony who didn't look or feel touched or threatened by Haliath's words

"Nd if I do?....I knew she'd tell you..... that's why I told her the truth, you should tell her her father is a drunk scumbag" Anthony said smiling

"Indeed" Haliath said looking straight at Anthony, she removed the chain from her hair and threw it at Anthony, he turned from smiling face to sobber one    "Mylia is your child Anthony, I don't care if you believe me or not, but know that whatever you're doing to her, you're doing to your child, the man that day was drunk..... Swiss added alcohol to my drink in the name of prank.....I was dancing when the guy tried to rape me, but instead of helping me, Swiss just ran away drunk, I fought the man off by myself.....he came to apologize to me that night, his girlfriend left him for another guy after all he did for her, he saw me as his girlfriend and tried raping me as revenge.....I don't care if you believe me or not, but all I want you to know is that you're the unrepairable mistake I made in life and you shouldn't dare to hurt my daughter emotionally or physically" Haliath said and walked away angrily

"Haliath, Haliath...Haliath I'm sorry...."Swiss said but Haliath walked away ignoring her, Swiss held Yann and cried, Haliath wiped her tears and was to enter Mylia's room when Mylia quickly said

"Let's talk better tomorrow mum.....I wanna be alone for now" Haliath sighed and leaned on the door

"I love you Mylia" she said but there was no reply, Haliath sighed again before walking away.

Anthony just stared at the necklace, she had it all this while?
he felt something drop on his hand, it was his tears, Nannsi was to oat him but

"Pls all of you should leave now" Yann immediately walked out with Swiss still holding him, Nannsi was surprised

"Anthony don't tell me you believe Haliath" Anthony kept quiet "babe you ain't saying anything"

"You said I shouldn't tell you I believe Haliath"

"Anthony" Nannsi screamed annoyed

"You should go Nannsi"

"I am" Nannsi said and started waring her dress, she stared angrily at Anthony before walking away, Anthony remembered the days' morning, he was feeling so angry then

FLASHBACK: Swiss noticed Mylia had been in a bad mood and brought Yann to the notice too, Yann cleared his throat

"Mylia, Mylia" Mylia who had been practicing the hard dance steps Anthony had given her turned, Yann  smiled and signaled her to move closer to himself, Mylia looked at Anthony then reluctantly moved closer to Yann and Swiss when she saw Anthony busy with his phone, Yann held her waist and smiled at her "how are you? You've been working really hard, you should rest" Mylia smiled, Yann was the only one who cared alot about her

"Thanks uncle" she said cutely, Yann was surprised, she normally called them 'Mr' or 'Miss' , Swiss looked more jealous than surprised

"Uncle?....." She asked, Mylia looked at her "what about me? I'm the one who told him about you" Yann looked at Mylia who did the same

"Don't mind her, she's just jealous you called me uncle, here....high- five" Yann and Mylia high-fived


"You're my aunty" Mylia said smiling, she wondered why they were taking her calling them uncle or aunty such a big deal, Swiss eyed Yann and smiled at Mylia, she held her hand

"Yes...come here" Swiss said smiling and took Mylia by the arm "you're so pretty.....just like your mum" Mylia laughed

"Thanks" Yann saw Anthony not concentrating on his phone but on Mylia

"What about Anthony?" Yann asked smiling, Mylia was scared but decided to play the cute one, and without thinking said

"Dad" she smiled and looked at Anthony who did same but not smiling, Yann and Swiss were both surprised by Mylia answer but were more surprised what Anthony did next, Anthony stared at Haliath for awhile then squatted, he looked angry and scary , Mylia's face showed her fear and she moved back Abit, then

"I will never be a father to a fatherless brat like you"

"Anthony!!" Yann and Swiss screamed in union at Anthony, Mylia tried not to cry, she swallowed, eyes widened and faced Yann and Swiss, she played with her fingers, she looked hurt but then tears started flowing freely down her cheeks, Mylia tried using bold face and cleaning it away, but the more she tried, the more it came, she excused herself and ran to continue rehearsing as she cried

"You are been so senseless and immature Anthony" Yann said angrily, Anthony stood upright and continued with his phone
BACK: Anthony bent his head and cried hard

"She's my daughter? Mylia, Mylia's my baby" he said to himself as he cried.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Everyone was surprised at the the way Anthony showered kindness on Mylia now, he called her his girl and complemented her always, only Swiss and Yann knew why.
Haliath brought Mylia's food, she walked to sit and waited for Mylia to finish practicing before calling her for breakfast

"So can you talk to me now?" Haliath said seeing how Mylia enjoyed her meal, but Mylia didn't respond "wow" Haliath said and looked away, Mylia took a quick glance at her then continued eating, Haliath knew Anthony was staring at her but that was the least of her problems, Mylia's silence was hurting her so bad "common......
at least say the food is nice" Mylia ignored her mum until she finished eating, then she gave her mum the cooler and was to walk away "'re gonna do this?"

"If I say what I want to say....would you be calm and answer" Haliath sighed

"Finally" Mylia walked away "hey, wait" Haliath almost shouted to Mylia but refrained herself and watched Mylia practice her dance moves

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Haliath" Haliath turned to see Anthony standing front of her, he walked to her and looked away, Haliath just stared at him expecting him to say what he called her for, she was busy and needed to go to the club, she cleared her throat seeing Anthony still hesitating

"Any problem about my daughter?" Anthony understood, she didn't want to talk with him except it was about work

"I didn't and have never slept with Nannsi......" Haliath looked away, then back at him "I was about to when you bumped in, and I did it because I was angry not because I love her....."

"So.....why're you telling me?" Haliath cut Anthony short in his words

"Is all you said last night true? Mylia really my daughter?"

"Take part of her hair and get a DNA test, it's that simple, you don't need to ask me anymore, I wasn't even planning on ever telling you"

"Haliath" Anthony said feeling hurt

"So......I have to take my leave now.....I'm a busy lady" Haliath was to enter her car when Anthony quickly said

"Can I talk to you in the club tonight?"

"What for?....."

"I want to tell you something.......
nd I want to hear something from you too"

"Whatever" Haliath said and entered her car

"Does that mean yes?" Anthony said, Haliath nodded and drove away, Anthony slowly blushed, she looked cool, he thought as he walked away

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