My-Your Clothes

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Jennie has been living with Lisa for a year now and she's a good roommate honestly. Lisa does her own dishes and she doesn't leave her own towel lying around. She always makes sure they have milk in the fridge and when they're both home, she usually lets Jennie have a say in what they watch. She stress vacuums and because she's halfway through her final semester, it means the apartment has been pretty clean of late.

But Lisa literally never does her own laundry, which wouldn't be a problem if she didn't steal Jennie's clothes when she runs out of her own. Frankly, that shouldn't be a problem either, but Lisa in her clothes? That's something else.

The first time it happens Jennie gets home from work late and Lisa is standing at the stove stirring a large pot of spaghetti, wearing running shorts and one of Jennie's t-shirts. Jennie stops and stares in the doorway for a moment, unable to help herself because her attraction to Lisa is nothing new, but her attraction to her roommate in her clothes is a whole different level.

"Is that mine?" Jennie asks after a moment, her throat a little dry.

"The shirt?" Lisa asks without looking up from her cooking. "Yeah"

"Why are you wearing it?"

"I haven't done laundry" She shrugs. "Is this too much pasta?"

"Are you cooking for the entire building?" Jennie asks, coming to stand beside her. She has a feeling she's used two packets.

"No, fuck off" Lisa laughs, shoving her. "I thought we could have leftovers for lunch tomorrow"

"And for the rest of the year"

Jennie manages to not blatantly stare at Lisa for the rest of the night, but she does glance at her more often than usual. Lisa looks good in her shirt and she can't help imagining scenarios that would lead to her needing to wear it, which is a creepy way to think about her best friend. She tries to avoid being creepy about her.


The next time it happens, Jennie walks in on Lisa shoving way too many of her clothes into the washing machine, wearing Jennie's favorite hoodie and a pair of leggings. Once again she's struck with fantasies of Lisa pulling her shirt on after some frivolous activities, she shakes her head a little before clearing her throat.

"Your clothes won't wash properly if you put that many in the machine" Jennie tells her, smirking a little to try and disguise the blush that's creeping up her cheeks.

Lisa doesn't look up though. "I have so many dirty clothes but-" She whines, pulling out two pairs of jeans and one of her own hoodies.

"That's what happens when you literally only do your laundry once a month" Jennie deadpans, reaching to the top shelf and pulling down the laundry detergent for her.

"Thanks" She mutters, ignoring Jennie's jibe and jabbing the start button on the machine.

They spend the day watching movies (pausing them occasionally so Lisa can start a new load of clothes), with Jennie putting all her effort into focusing on the TV and not her attraction to her roommate. She's really going to work on teaching her how to do her laundry more regularly. This can't keep happening, she's not strong enough.

Especially not when it gets late and Lisa snuggles into her side, leaning her head on her shoulder. Jennie presses a kiss to her hair because, again, she's not strong enough for this.

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