Defeating Her Doom (Scarlet Witch x Dr. Doom)

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Ghostly winds howled across the Latverian hillside. A storm brewing atop the land sent blinding flashes through the air and tremors echoing against the barren land. Naked trees shifted and collapsed. What remained of the devastated Vezhskaya Forest cracked into its own dusty mounds. Latverian citizens were ordered by patrolling Doombots to remain in their homes as the shrill, horrific cries of sirens roared against the coming tempest. Latverians scurried like rats into their burrows, catching only glimpses of the beast looming above. Through their panic, several managed to see fleets of assault bots, the nation's first line of defense, seeming to fly into the glowing red eye of the storm.

Leering over the capital city of Doomstadt, a towering fortress stood as an immortal symbol of dominant supremacy. Castle Doom stood unfazed by the gale forces that ensnared it. The roar of the wind resonated through the dreary halls as a low growl. Torches flickered. Doors seemed to rattle on their hinges. The storm's effects traversed further and further through the castle, worsening by the second.

Before long, the same peculiar effects began appearing downward, deep within the castle's catacombs. There, a monstrous laboratory remained hidden behind thick, titanium walls and doors. The chamber was perpetually alive with whirring machinery. Surging, elemental currents alongside mysterious energies powered devices of great and terrible power. More Doombots worked tirelessly on expanding the collection of futuristic advancement, obeying the functions of their intellectual design.

Their commander, and the supreme ruler of all Latveria, stood observing a wall of monitors. Dr. Victor von Doom watched the live feed from the Doombots surveying the storm. A heavy sigh escaped from his mask.

"Curious," he mumbled. The tail end of his cape wafted against his boots. One by one, the feeds on the combatting bots cut out in acute flashes of crimson light. Victor watched on stoically as his entire frontline force was quickly dismantled. His cape blew up more. From behind the walls of his laboratory, more destruction could be heard. Louder and louder it came as the force drew closer from within his home. Muffled explosions came second after second. Victor listened, expressionless behind his mask, as the crunching echoes of destruction stopped just behind the laboratory door. Doombots ceased their protocols to assume offensive measures. Victor watched the door and waited in silence.

After several long seconds of stillness, two massive slabs of titanium came soaring into the room. An explosion blew the door off of its mechanism. One cut through two Doombots while the other flew directly at Victor. He raised one hand and stopped the slab in mid-air. A magnetic aura emanating from his suit held the chunk of twisted metal hovering just outside of his palm. He pushed it away to one side, tossing it like a plastic disk.

Beyond the open doorway, a red mist filled the hall. It acted as a veil, the storm remaining in place and standing before Victor in his own home. Several Doombots flew into the mist, ready to defend their maker. As soon as the mist shrouded them, one by one, gruesome crunches and tangled heaps of machinery returned. Doombots became unrecognizable balls of steel and wires. Victor watched in silence, waiting for the visitor to challenge him directly.

"You have a lovely home, Victor," a heavily accented voice spoke from beyond the red, misty curtain. Her heels clicked against the ground. From the dust, a figure began to emerge. A horned tiara stood atop her head. Striking red hair flowed down toward a matching, blood-shaded corset. A cape flowed behind her like a bound phantom. Victor watched unresponsive to the fear tactics of who he knew to be the Scarlet Witch. "I remember when I had that."

"Maximoff," Victor said. "Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of showmanship." Wanda Maximoff's eyes gave a gentle red glow. Her smile was slight and crooked. Her face was luminous equally in beauty as it was in terror. Doombots stood off to the sides of the room, parting the way for Wanda's path toward the Latverian dictator.

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