Truth and Dare - Part 2

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The following morning carried on with a pancake breakfast cooked by Abigail's father. Leah and Abigail woke around 8:00 to work on school work, only to be joined by Sophia at 8:30. The rest of the girls slept in closer to noon. The last to wake, Caitlin, was greeted to an airhorn surprise at 11:30.

Edward had taken off for work around noon, trusting Abigail to make sure the girls found their rides safely, and should any parent ask, inform them that he was just out on a grocery run. The morning and afternoon continued with more video games and mindless phone activity, some still adjusting to waking up.

Leah was first to leave around 1:00 in the afternoon to continue with her school work. Natalie was the next to go shortly after, informing everyone that she has to beat her brother for what he did on her birthday party the previous year. Lindsey left after that around 2:00, having been surprised by her mother's pick up. Caitlin, sensing the delightful tension from Abigail and Sophia being alone together, elected to leave next with no real agenda for the rest of the day. Caitlin left, shooting Abigail a not so subtle 'you're welcome' on the way out. Closing the door, Abigail turned to see Sophia sitting with her legs tucked to the side beneath her against one end of the couch. Abigail smiled nervously and sat down on the other side. Sophia had changed back into the sundress she wore the day before. This made Abigail painfully aware that she was still in her penguin pajamas.

"Sorry my mom's running late," said Sophia, checking her phone.

"Oh, that's okay," said Abigail. "Did you have fun?"

"Oh, yeah," Sophia said enthusiastically. "That was so much fun. Thank you so much for inviting me."

"Of course," said Abigail. "I just wanted to make sure you had a good time. How did you like my friends?"

"They're so much fun," said Sophia. "Caitlin is really funny."

"Yeah, she's a riot if you're in the mood to put up with her," said Abigail. "Her and I have been friends the longest."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, there are days I don't know how we managed that," said Abigail. "She'll get on my nerves every now and then, but she's a good person to know."

"I can tell," said Sophia. "I'd want a friend like that someday." Abigail nudged Sophia's arm.

"You do, silly," said Abigail. "You're our friend now too." Sophia smiled and let his head drop from Abigail's affectionate stare.

"You mean it?"

"Of course," said Abigail.

"Well then, I'm really glad you invited me over," said Sophia

"You just always seemed like a nice person and I wanted to get to know you better." Abigail leaned in toward her, head supported by an arm pressed into the top of the couch. Sophia smiled and looked away.

"Well, I never expected you to get to know me like... that," said Sophia. Abigail looked away in nervous laughter.

"Yeah, about that," said Abigail, averting her eyes. "I'm really sorry about that." Sophia giggled.

"Don't worry about it," said Sophia. "I'll admit that I've never played truth or dare before so I didn't really know what to expect."

"Well, they don't usually go like that. I just hope it didn't weird you out."

"No, not at all," said Sophia.

"It didn't... feel weird?"

"Not really. I mean, I've never had anyone lick my toes before, but it actually didn't feel bad. Kind of... nice." Sophia's face darkened as she looked away from Abigail.

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