A Ticklish Sleepover - Part 2

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Sara sat by her bedroom window, staring out into the street beyond the yard. Her room had been recently cleaned and organized for the evening's planned events. Clothes hung on hangers in her closet. Her sheets smelled of detergent and freshly fashioned around her bed. Stray school supplies, which once remained littered around the floor and her bedroom's various surfaces, found designated areas to remain neatly organized. Her day's scheduled preparatory itinerary led her to shower, shave her legs, style her hair and apply a modest amount of makeup, including blush, lip gloss, and nail polish. At five in the afternoon, Sara was already dressed in a new pink pajama set that she deemed as comfortable as it was adorable. As the girl gazed out of the window, waiting eagerly for her friend to arrive, she ran a soft, black feather through her fingers, anxious to repeat the events of the her and Demi's first sleepover.

"You know, a watched pot never boils," said Robyn, standing in her daughter's doorway. Sara quickly glanced over and hid the feather on the floor beneath her.

"Mom!" Sara exclaimed before calming down and chuckling. "You scared me." Robyn laughed.

"Sorry about that," said Sara's mother. "I see you're excited for your friend to come back over." Sara nodded.

"Yep," Sara said. "We have a lot planned out for tonight. We've been talking about it since the last time she came over." Robyn looked around and noticed a distinct lack of laid out movies or games like last time. Instead, she witnessed a peculiar black box poking out from underneath Sara's bed. Robyn decided against bringing attention to it.

"Oh yeah?" asked Robyn, taking a seat on the edge of her daughter's bed. "Like what?" Sara hesitated, not knowing which lie would best suit her story.

"Um, well, there's this television show that she hasn't watched yet and I want to get her caught up on it," said Sara. Robyn nodded.

"That sounds like fun," said Robyn. "There sure was a lot of laughter last time. I'm glad you girls had fun." Sara's face flushed and Robyn smirked, noticing her daughter's nervous demeanor.

"W-we did," said Sara. "We may have a lot of fun again tonight."

"She seems to have really come out of her shell since your sleepover," said Robyn. "She was much more talkative with you on the rides home from school these past couple weeks."

"Yeah, I'm working on making her a little less shy," said Sara. "Opening her up more to new things."

"Poor sheltered thing," said Robyn. "I'm sure you could teach her a thing or two about how to have fun." The mother and daughter chuckled in agreement.

"Yeah," Sara said, nodding. "Maybe. Hopefully. Demi's just so wonderful, such a great person. I'm glad her mom's coming around on us having regular sleepovers."

"Me too," said Robyn. "I'll try to stay out of you girls's hair tonight. I'll have dinner ready by seven and of course help her to any snacks or drinks she wants."

"Thanks, mom," said Sara. The girl smiled warmly up at her mother and gripped the door handle in her hand. Robyn turned to leave her daughter's room.

"And Sara," said Robyn in a motherly tone. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I'm here for you." Sara nodded knowingly.

"I know, mom," said Sara. "Not now, but thanks." Robyn smiled and left her daughter to her privacy. Sara grinned as she retrieved the feather from the floor. She gazed back out her window and thought all that had become of Demi since their first sleepover together. They spent the following two weeks at school discussing in private some of their deepest secrets. Sara confessed extensively more about her love for tickling and her infatuation for feet. She opened up to her friend that her interests in tickling started over at her cousin's houses, when they would practically beg her to tickle them. Her foot adoration was a little difficult for Sara to accurately pinpoint, or even describe, but assured Demi that she had always found her feet to be exceptionally attractive.

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