Ticklish Weekend at Aunties - Part 3

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A vicious, approaching storm darkened the sky, more so than it would have been at eight that Friday evening. The rain showered gently against Valerie’s car as she coasted through her aunt’s familiar residence. By the time she pulled up into her Aunt Marilyn’s winding driveway, the rain pounded against her car like hail. The gears in her windshield wipers created a constant, metronomic sound as they flung back and forth, nearly futile in their efforts. The pouring water splashing against the hood created a consistent roar that competed with the volume of the radio. As Valerie parked the car, she could only laugh in gratitude at how the storm seemed to wait for her to arrive before appearing.

Valerie turned to the passenger seat, where her brother, Conner, sat with a similar expression of thankfulness. His face beamed with the eagerness associated with their destination. He had not stopped thinking about the events that unfolded with his big sister that previous Sunday afternoon in her room. Upon the promise of more of that same entertainment, he desperately waited for the chance to see his aunt in person. Valerie, on the other hand, was less enthused about her secret being out, particularly in the inevitable explanation to Marilyn why she had divulged the confidential information to her brother. Valerie took out her phone and called her mother back at home.

“Hello?” asked Cynthia, picking up the phone after but a single ring.

“Hey mom,” said Valerie. “Just calling to say that we made it there okay.”

“Okay, good,” said Cynthia, sighing in relief. “I just saw that the storm got a lot worse in that area. Be careful out there.”

“We will, mom.”

“Hi mom!” Conner interjected. Valerie sighed.

“Conner says hi,” said Valerie.

“I heard him,” said Cynthia. “Hi sweetie. You two have fun, okay? And stay safe.”

“We will, mom,” said Valerie. “Love you.”

“Love you too, sweetie,” said Cynthia. “Bye.”

“Bye,” Valerie said, hanging up the phone.

“Bye!” Conner shouted. Valerie put her phone back in her purse.

“She hung up,” said Valerie. The girl slung her purse over her shoulder. She looked out of the window and dreaded how she always forgot to put an umbrella in her car, despite all of the times her father tried to remind her. Conner smiled wide and bounced excitedly. “Alright, listen to me. She doesn’t know yet that I told you about her. I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to break the news to her, but I will. She might be a little mad at me, but I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Valerie spoke with uncertainty as Conner’s mind was still focused on what surprises would befall him during his stay. The boy planned as accordingly as he suspected, wearing and packing only tight shirts, gym shorts, and flip flops. Valerie had gotten into a sort of ritual for her weekend preparations, packing less and less each time as Marilyn went out of her way to provide for the girl everything she would require of her.

“She’s still going to tickle me though, right?” Conner asked, a single thought circling his mind. “Like you did to me the other day.” Valerie smirked and ruffled his hair.

“Hopefully, even worse,” said Valerie. “It’s gotten worse for me every time I’ve been back here. With two of us tickling you all weekend, we’re going to make you go insane.” Valerie spoke with a menacing tone. Conner shivered and cracked a smirk. He played up the timid participant, gulping loudly, even though Valerie could see through his act.

“Is it too late to turn back?” asked Conner. Valerie laughed.

“Much too late,” said Valerie. “And if this storm stays this bad, it might be a whole week for you.” Conner gulped nervously once more, but his dilated pupils told another story. Valerie sighed as she looked out of the car door window. “Alright, on the count of three, we get out, grab the suitcases, and bolt. Ready?”

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