A Ticklish Sleepover

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Robyn stood idly in the doorway of her daughter's room, witnessing a marvel which she never imagined she would live to behold. She looked around the room, observing a state of cleanliness that she had never seen within those four walls in seventeen years. The baby blue carpeted floor was free of dirt and loosely thrown items, but not of freshly coated tracks from the vacuum cleaner and the scent of Febreze. The teenager's supplies for school were neatly arranged across her desk against the far wall and her bookbag hung up against the back of the door, rather than strewn haphazardly into chaotic nethers. The flower print comforter of the bed was neatly draped around the tucked sheets and mattress. Everything seemed to have a place in the room that, for once, was not the floor. Robyn, watching this madness unfold, witnessed the final touches. Her daughter, Sara, was putting stray, albeit wrinkly, clothes away on hangers and hanging them up in her closet.

"Why can I never get you to clean your room like this?" asked Robyn. Sara looked up from wrapping the collar of a blouse around a coat hanger.

"Because you already know how I live, so there's no reason to hide it," said Sara with a facetious smile. Robyn chuckled.

"You're going to make an excellent wife someday," said Robyn. Sara scoffed.

"Please," the teenage girl said dismissively. "I just want to make sure that everything is nice for when Demi comes over." Robyn smirked at her daughter, never knowing her to go through such lengths for nearly anyone.

"I just can't believe it," said Robyn. "How old is she now?"

"Sixteen." Robyn shook her head.

"Sixteen and she's never had a sleepover?" asked Robyn. "That's just cruel for a girl her age."

"I know, right?" inserted Sara. Sara finished hanging up all of her clothes and began working on laying out options for games and movies. "Her mom doesn't allow her to do anything. It's really sad."

"I mean, you guys have been friends since before high school and this woman still had to call me three times just to make sure that no boys would be over tonight," said Robyn. Sara laughed.

"Seriously?" Robyn nodded.

"Seriously," said the woman. "Ten bucks says that she walks up to the door with Demi when she drops her off."

"No deal; I'd believe that," said Sara. The mother and daughter share a laugh. Robyn smirked up at how much care and attention Sara was putting in trying to impress her friend. It was clear that Sara had also painted her nails a light pink color and styled her wavy, golden hair. Robyn also detected the scent of perfume on the girl; precautions taken on more of a 'first date' basis rather than a typical sleepover. She wore a pink and white pajama set that she had bought from the mall a week before and never used.

"So, what do you girls have planned tonight?" asked Robyn.

"Well, there's a bunch of movies and tv shows that she hasn't seen yet, so I thought I could introduce her to those," said Sara. "Other than that, I don't know. I'm laying out games and stuff to play." Sara blushed and looked away from her mother. Her plans for the evening deviated to a more mischievous itinerary. For the four years that they remained best friends, Sara had found herself increasingly allured by Demi's adorable and naive charm. Sara had never found the strength within herself to work up the courage to express how she felt for the girl, a gnawing curse which she blamed only herself for, but one distinct quality about Demi stood out more prominently to Sara than any other: her feet. Yet another secret that Sara felt confined to was her interest in girls' bare feet, particularly with tickling. Having started much around the same time as her feelings for Demi, Sara concluded through shy glances in the locker room and brief moments when her shoe would slip off in the hallway that Demi had some of the most lovely feet that she had ever seen. She could only hope that they were as ticklish as they were admirable. It had become quite the restless objective for her to witness them up close; to experience them in a way that would quell her suspicions as well as become an enjoyable activity for them both.

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