A Ticklish Sleepover - Part 5

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The day had  become scorned with a constant drizzle of showers fluctuating between shy kisses and passionate ferocities. Demi sat alone in the abandoned school cafeteria. Her one act script sat in front of her, opened to a page toward the midpoint of the story. Having spent her hour after school rehearsing her lines up to that point, she found herself lost in watching the streams of raindrops race down the towering windows next to her seat. The rain reached a point of draining melancholy. Demi waited the hour out for Sara to finish her biweekly volleyball practice, as well as for her designated ride home from Robyn. The splashes of rain against the windows provided a relaxing distraction from time’s passage.

Over an hour passed when she finally heard the distant clanging of the gymnasium’s large metal door. Demi peered in that direction from her seat. Sara turned the corner into where she knew Demi would be waiting. Demi smiled as she stood and watched Sara approach.

“I still need to call my mom,” said Sara. A duffle bag bounced slung over one of her shoulders next to her book bag on the other. “Sorry practice ran so long.” Sara slammed both bags down onto the table and collapsed into a seat.

“It's okay,” said Demi. “You wait for me all the time when rehearsals run late. Besides, we aren't going anywhere in this rain without a ride.” Demi looked back out the window before glancing back at Sara. The blonde's cheeks were blushed and shimmered with a thin layer of sweat. Sara tore off her head band and wiped her forehead. Her hair fell down in a tossed mess. Her uniform was red and white in accordance with their school's colors.

“This next game's going to be tough,” said Sara.

“Westland again?” asked Demi. Sara nodded.

“And no more star player,” said Sara, her head resting against the backs of her hands pressed into the table.

“What do you mean?” Sara sighed.

“I told coach about the things that Taylor had been saying about me to the other players,” said Sara. “I thought she would just get talked to; I didn't really peg it as a big deal. I've dealt with that from her ever since we stopped being friends. I didn't mean to get her kicked off the team.”

“You got her kicked off?” asked Demi. “Wasn’t she the captain?” Sara groaned and nodded. “I mean, I guess it's for the best if she was hurting you so much.”

“She deserved it,” said Sara. “For everything.”

“But you still feel bad,” said Demi quietly. “I can see it on your face.” Sara looked up to Demi. One end of her closed lips raised slightly, as did her shoulders.

“I don't know,” said Sara. The girl laid her chin against her hands, slumped over. “Maybe. She used to be a really cool person. I guess I've just always hoped that she'd someday be that again. I never wanted it to come to this. She was pretty mad about the whole thing. I don't think the rest of the team likes me a whole lot right now either.” Demi placed her hand on Sara's arm and stroked with her thumb.

“Try not to worry about it,” said Demi. “You didn't know she'd be kicked off. I mean, you didn't ask for that, did you?” Sara shook her head. “Then, there you go. That was the coach’s call to make. You did the right thing coming forward.” Sara smiled up at her friend briefly before slumping back into a neutral dread.

“How's the play coming along?” Sara asked.

“It's coming along,” said Demi. “I'm just really nervous. I know all my lines, for the most part. I just hope I do a good job. It'll pretty much define whether or not I'll make it in the drama department from here on out. I’m actually really nervous about getting in front of the whole school. As much as I love the theatre, I’ve always struggled with stage fright and public speaking, pretty much any time that I’m forced to be the center of attention.”

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