Sibling Bonding (F/M)

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A gentle brushing against Garret's foot stirred him awake. He was still in his clothes for the day, a comfortable pair of shorts and a Batman tee shirt. His head swam a little while he woke to a light, scratching sensation against the bottom of his foot. Delicate giggles escaped his lips. He squirmed against his bed, nearly rolling over onto an idle Nintendo Switch sitting beside him. He must have fallen asleep while playing. But his attention was elsewhere. He woke to a delicate tickling teasing his bare foot, laying down by where his older sister sat. He looked to her as he giggled.

"Heheeheehey," Garret said, sitting up and brushing his hair out of his face.

"Wakey wakey," Ariah said back to him. She had a mature look to her while still conducting herself with a youthful tendency toward mischief and trouble. Black hair hung down the back of her shoulders in waves. Her eyes sparkled as she looked back at him.

"Wh-heeheeheee-whahahat are you doing?" Garret asked. Ariah shrugged. She looked casually down to Garret's bare feet, still within her reach.

"Why not?" Ariah asked. "Found these bare feet here and I know how ticklish they are, so..." She followed her assessment with more light, fluttery nail scratches against his soles. Garret continued to giggle. His feet twitched, his toes curling, but did little to actively pull away from her hand. She noticed and shot the boy a little smirk as she tickled.

"Eeeehheeeheheh soooo ticklish!" Garret remarked, his face starting to glow red. Ariah's nails flicked against the supple lengths of his warm, blushing soles.

"I know," Ariah said. "And I know how much you like it, no matter how much you wanna pretend that you don't." She snaked a single nail around the ball of Garret's right foot. The boy squealed and clenched more, fighting the urge to pull away. "But I was thinking... mom and dad are out of the house for the weekend, and naturally they put me in charge."

"Yeeehehehehahah?" Garret giggled. The boy yelped with delicate laughs fluttering from his lips like a butterfly in a breeze. Ariah's nails continued to revel in the softness and warmth of her brother's bare soles.

"So I was thinking of maybe having my baby brother all tied up for a bit, maybe tickle him all over? Ariah suggested. Her eyes, deep and playfully dark, met his. She grinned and flipped her hair back. "What do you say?" Garret blinked. Another surge of elation came over him at the very idea. He briefly considered it to be a tease, a trap to get him to admit to something that he would otherwise keep secret, but the bait was far too alluring not to try.

"Yeeehhehahah!" he said, still giggling through the passive, lazy tickles that still worked well against the overwhelming sensitivity of his feet. Ariah smiled. She pulled her hand back. Garret withdrew his feet and immediately shot up from his bed, fully energized. He huffed a bit, his face still light red. "I... uh... I actually have been keeping something... well, actually collecting something, that may help." Before Garret could elaborate, reached under the bed and pulled out a green and brown duffel bag. He threw it on the bed and unzipped the top. He paused before turning back to his sister timidly. "You're, um, serious about this?"

"Of course!" Ariah said. "You are too, right?"

"Oh yeah!" Garret said, his expression beaming with glee. He reached into the duffel bag and pulled out several strands of rope, old dock line taken from the garage.

"Are those dad's?" Ariah asked. Garret shrugged.

"He sold the boat, what's he going to use it for?" Garret said, trying to explain himself. Ariah merely smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

"You're really serious about this, aren't you?" Ariah said. "I had no idea. Been thinking about being all tied up and helplessly tickled? Is that it?" Garret blushed, pulling out the rest of the rope.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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