18: This is Scoops Troop, Do You Copy?

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July 3rd, 1985

After Steve, Robin and I had stopped laughing like idiots we trailed after Dustin and out of bathroom. The movie had just ended so there was a very large stream of people headed towards the front door. We followed them out and into the mall, heading towards the front door and trying not to look that suspicious.

"And...blend," Dustin said and we did just that.

"Well shit, that worked," Erica deadpanned, a hint of disbelief in her voice which caused Dustin to frown.

"Course it worked. We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come."

"Uh...Dustin," Steve began and I eyed him.


"Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house," Steve informed.


Steve sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I might've told them your full name."

"What is wrong with you?" Dustin asked and glared at Steve as he stuffed his hands in the air.

"Dude, I was drugged," Steve shot back.


Steve scoffed. "So?"

"So you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man," Dustin said and Steve rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah, its easy for you to say," Steve muttered, looking annoyed as I rolled my eyes and glanced at the front door.

I faltered and hung back a little, Steve raising a brow before I nodded towards the front.

"Guys?" Robin asked and I noticed she saw it to.

A group of around five Russians were checking people over as they left and they were even checking faces. Now if Steve and Robin's uniform didn't give us away, his truly busted up face just might. Dustin stopped and held out a hand for us to do the same just as one of the guards noticed us. He muttered some Russian and they all turned as we collectively let out a curse.

"Abort...abort!" Dustin shouted and bolted, the rest of us following.

We bolted over to the escalators leading to the first floor and slid down them, ending up in the food court. Steve grabbed my hand just as the Russians followed, ducking behind the counter at Hot Dog on a Stick. The others were quick to join us and I peaked out, glaring at the Russians as they got closer. But they didn't get all the way when the Mustang that had been on display as a raffle prize was flung across the food court. It slammed into the Russians, collectively killing the lot of them and I stood to see who did it.

To no ones surprise, El and the rest of the kids were standing at the entrance of the food court, El's nose dripping blood. I grinned, relief flooding over me before bolting over and wrapping my sister in a hug.

"That was badass El," I muttered into her shoulder just as Steve joined us.

I pulled back and smiled when El also wrapped him in a hug. She stood back and raised a brow before pointing at Steve's eye.

"Your face."

"I got beat up," Steve muttered and rubbed his neck as El chuckled.

"Again?" El shot back and Steve glared at her.

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in," he muttered just as the other kids wandered over.

"Erica? What are you doing here?" Lucas asked and turned to his sister.

"Ask them, it's all their fault," she deadpanned and shoved a finger towards Steve, Robin and I.

"Yeah, yeah it is," Steve agreed and Lucas glared at him.

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