Waste of Medicine

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Sasha had kept watch over the human the whole flight back to base. Its clothes were spattered and thoroughly soaked with a murky crimson. It was still breathing however, and that's all that mattered. Carter and Emily were caught in their usual debate over what to say to the commander. But that debate was quickly halted when the commander's voice echoed on the radio.

"What's the situation on the human?"

Before anyone could answer or react Sasha pulled her microphone down to respond.

"Is banged up but stable now. I estimate its condition to be serious but not critical." she answers with a heavy accent.

"Understood, Sasha. Bring it to med-bay six, keep the vitals monitored. I'll meet you there for a debrief."

"Understood, Sasha out." flicking the microphone back up as she finishes.

The chopper sets down on a designated landing pad close to the medical wing of the large compound. Everyone aboard stands and gets ready to disembark.

"Mav. Mind letting a hand here?" she asks the tired dragon.

Maverick turned and nodded, picking up the stretcher as we both awaited the back ramp to drop open.

"Where we headin'?" Mav asks groggily.

"Med-bay six." she answered while asking herself whether or not Maverick actually slept for once on the flight back.

The ramp drops, exposing the hot summer sun, Emily and Carter walked ahead of the pair as they followed down towards the medical wing. The crew passes multiple anthros on the way. Most if not all of them had the same disgusted or angered expression. Continuing to walk down a few more corridors we made it to the infirmary's entrance. Carter opens the door allowing the two carrying the human to enter the infirmary's main hallway. Upon entering Emily is greeted by one of the many doctors that practically inhabited the place.

"Ah, Viking. Great to see you again. I see you've brought me anozher problem to look after?"

"Maybe. Depends on how much blood it has left." Carter jokes.

"Ah yes, joke around now, vhile it's unconscious and not actively trying to murder us all." The doctor says going from his polite stature to the equivalent of a drill sergeant.

"'Kay doc, you don't have to remind us of what happened." Emily replied, trying to defuse the situation.

"My best surgeon is still recovering from that backstabbing piece of scheisse!"

While Emily's argument with the doctor progresses, Sasha and Maverick decide to walk past them towards a room designated with a six. The two enter the room to see General Jones and two doctors awaiting their arrival. After setting the human down on the hospital cot, the doctors went to work examining its wounds.

"Would you mind leaving us?" Asked one of the two.

General Jones nodded and gestured to Maverick and Emily to walk out into the hallway. Closing the door behind them the soldiers stood at attention to their superior.

"At ease, Viking."

Maverick and Sasha loosen up stance themselves more comfortably as Emily and Carter arrive more than likely having left someone else to deal with the doctor.

"So Viking, do you have Blackburn's data?"

Sasha looked to the others hoping someone would respond to her question, thankfully Carter stepped forward.

"Negative commander, when we arrived at the combat area on the bridge this human bought time for the others to escape with it."

This caught her attention, her eyes shifted curiously towards Carter as she folded her arms.

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